
Thank you for “white rage necromancer Stephen Miller” that is a wonderful description.

Whatever happened to the Fake News Awards he was blathering about earlier this week?

I’m pinning a lot of hope on a medical report that includes the words “Syphilitic Brain Lesions.”

So true...and it looks last the theory holds. Word from Fire & Fury book is that effing Bannon calls the Trump Tower meeting treasonous. When even Bannon knows it is treason that’s bad.

Yet another night that you have to wonder if Barf Bag doesn’t need to wait until midnight before hitting publish.

Funny, someone like him should know better than to use a word that can be so easily applied to himself.

Considering what he is accused of, his balls against the wall is a step up.... personally I would prefer them under the heel of a stiletto pressing down slowly.

Heh, slippage, please tell me this was an intentional dig at his denture situation?

You guys posted this too early and missed Bannon attacking Mitt Romney while stumping for the pedophile.

This news makes me so forking happy.

I doubt they have been able to hide the definition from being @ him on his favorite form of communication, grammatically incorrect tweets.

Oh they age really well, they age and die off.

Maybe if you didn’t blame the victim, we wouldn’t all hate you.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China? Coerced into relationship to save career or reputation, as she has stated.

Alas, I have but one star to give you.

...or he could name it after himself and add an “N” to cut...which we know he is so fond of doing.

I hope not the third. I wouldn’t wish for all subsequent presidents to have to deal with his loud, bloviating, obnoxious ghost. There isn’t enough sage in the world to exorcize his bile from the WH.

I really hope this theory is right.

The Day After Tomorrow ends for me when the head for the stupid arcs. Great disaster film ruined by a storyline to runs the whole thing off the road.

To every Republican who is harmed by any of his policies or anything else his I’ll unleash on our country, my response will be “they knew what they signed up for.”