Comeback Kid

Seriously look at #22 and the guy behind him.

Is baseball so boring that this is a thing?

Star Trek: The End of The Beginning

Lincoln, on the run, gets picked up by his old pal John (which is confusingly the name Lincoln had on The Tomorrow People. But whatever.)

I’m not quite that bad off I’m in the Shreveport area. The people are a better than I expected, but the whole state just seems to have an air of neglect.

As someone not from Lousiana, but forced to live here due to military obligation I can say that IMO north and south Louisiana are both equally shitty.

I think you are severely underestimating how much wear and tear your body takes. With all the walking they do their muscles would breakdown and be useless after only a few weeks (if that long). Its better to hand wave it away than trying to explain it.

I don't think so. Seems to me that they are banning them until a proper regulation can be created.

This is the best studfinder on the market and probably the cheapest (~$8). I spread this knowledge whenever I get the chance. You cannot miss the stud if you use this.

I don’t think so. I used to talk about this with my white friends back in the 90's before loufas were a thing. In fact most black people that I know have switched from the washcloth to the loufa, though there will still be a stack of unused washcloths in the towel closet.

Gofobo is a good site for it. They barely have any screenings where I'm at, but I got to see unfriended for free.

Thor goes into some random cave after Scarlet witch mind-f***ed him. They set the dream sequence up but you don't see any of the actual dream.

Civil War 2: Civil Action Lawsuit

Can someone please tell me what was wrong with Constantine? I completely enjoyed that movie, especially Peter Stormare’s Satan.

She was running Bakshi's science division, so it's not too far out there.

Probably the same sort of things that are were on “Rome” and more recently “Spartacus”. Humans slave doing depraved things like it’s the normal thing to do.

Electricity? Fire? Wireless Communication?

Dafuq did I just watch?

New Parents: cherish those first few months it's nerve wracking not getting sleep, but the second they start rolling, they will always aim for the most dangerous place they can possibly roll/crawl to.

That’s the thing though, he’s using Murray all wrong. Murray is a straight up the middle type. He doesn’t have the speed to make the corners on sweeps and outside runs.