Comatose Turtle

As a fan of Alex Ahad's, I will say that the T&A is a trademark of his. However, it's in such an exaggerated way that it just feels like a part of his style, which exaggerates everything else, so like why the hell not? That lady has giant arms on her head. That one has detachable body parts. It's all just

Plenty of worse folders on your computer to accidentally pull from, eh? I getcha.

"They'll have to be content with 100 or so hours of content and the few un-patched bugs that come with [Skyrim]."

I am struck by the items they chose to highlight here. They make a lot of emphasis on tiny little changes like taller characters and a larger beach, which just tells me how deep a rut these developers were in.

Rofl at the random, obscure, Japanese language joke. Don't touch my moustache, bro. I wonder how many people ever actually got that.

Let's be honest. They have no leads. They're bored. They confiscated a mountain of gaming paraphernalia. What do you think is going in in that office?

TV media outraged in defense of gamers? Ha! Good one!


Are you just assuming that it's a picture of K-On! because she said it was? Man, you're easy.

But... but his statement was not that "all adult women haven't heard of Skyrim"; it was that "anyone who hasn't heard of Skyrim is either an adult woman or someone who has spent his life looking down on gamers."

What? This is terrible news! I too would have married within my race as a Khajiit. Well, that's what mods are for!

From what I've read in the comments here, it's no wonder I haven't gotten married in the game yet, since the way to do so is completely obscure and illogical.

Some of it looks pretty funky, but there's so much fan service in there that it's really immune to complaints.

I kept waiting for the punchline to be "... but all with the same facial expression."

Why is anyone still taking them seriously? I, for one, thought that Mario wearing a bloody fur was hilarious. That this was even capable of outraging anyone is beyond me at this point; they are so impotent in a hilarious, raving lunatic sort of way.

That is the most incredible Skyrim screenshot I've ever seen. It's beautiful!

Clearly it's not. That little bastard.

Invincible characters are BS in the first place. Screw the story, if I want to kill someone, then I want to kill him. Warn me "On noes, story is broked!" or whatever, like in Morrowind, but preventing me from ever killing certain characters (quite a large number of them, in fact) just because they're important to you

What he really means is that they would love to sell frivolous DLC to complete half-assed games, but they are not currently in a position to do so, so they will instead pander to consumers by pretending that they are above it.

Wait, did he just argue our point for us? Didn't he just say that they're using energy and resources, which they could easily be adding to the game's initial development, for DLC instead? That sounds like exactly the argument rallied against them. I don't understand.