Comatose Turtle

This is why we can't have nice things.

To be fair, you never directly (or explicitly, at least) used my maleness as grounds for dismissal. However, you did dismiss me based on a perceived shared characteristic of males, that being our pathetically inconsequential burden. I agree with the guy above, though; it's wrong to belittle someone else's problems

Again, I never equated them, if you go back and re-read it. I only gave a counterpoint to your argument, that being that I don't feel this "agency" you are claiming for me. Perhaps you feel that it still exists, even through my resistance to it. A possible scenario and a valid opinion! But instead of saying that,

That's a lot of conclusion-jumping. From the outset, I am almost entirely in agreement with the OP. You are attacking me for things I didn't say, but which you assume I agree with, for no reason more than my being a male, and I hope you understand that. Perhaps this is because you associate males with a

A burden you carry every day, I see.

I never said it was the same. I only pointed out where you were jumping to conclusions, which you still are.

I would argue that I have not been properly represented in almost all media (I am expected to be super-macho and amazing, and also a womanizing asshole (especially in Spike Lee films)), which drives me to want to identify with another type of person entirely.

Something that occurred to me while reading this article is that I had never before been concerned with the main character being "someone like me". Maybe it's just a side-effect of being a "white male" (i.e., someone who never gives his own lot in life a second thought), but I'm usually looking for characters who are

'Sexy' is rarely a word you can use to describe a character made with a custom character generator. Most games with custom characters share animations between genders to cut costs, have a story that has to be gender neutral, and the generator is rarely good enough in the first place to make your female 'sexy'. So,

Personally, though I haven't played through the whole thing yet, I always thought they added females as a begrudging concession, hence why they wrote them almost exactly the same as the guys ("okay, but keep the estrogen to a minimum!"). And yeah, the armor was pretty form-fitting, drawn in at the waist.

Come back when your "sexualized" men in games run around wearing only tight underwear. They are both modeled after an ideal of beauty, that's true, but I don't think that's what this article was about at all. The article is about how women are treated primarily as sex objects with no personality (showing their

In their defense, Catwoman and Harley Quinn are both kind of bitches.

I threw up in my mouth a little at that commercial description.

That's what I said when they first came out with FF XIV! They're going for "fool me thrice" now, which is just a shame in general.

"Some of you, though, are nomads."

They are really pumping out the characters now. I wonder how much of the sprite work was done before they got picked up by Reverge, and how much of it was super overtime intern power.

Now we see where making nonsensical analogies gets us.

If leaving the house meant I had to either get hit by a bus or make it safely to work where I would die in a fiery explosion, then yeah, I would probably just stay home.

I hear abstinence works too.

Oh oh, I forgot Phantom Dust, holy crap how did I forget Phantom Dust.