
Ruined? ... or made it better ?

Important question time regarding this feature:

Because even when you use a DS3 most PC games still show visual cues for the 360 controllers buttons. Its actually quite annoying seeing as I despise Xbox controllers and use a DS for my PC.

Thanks for offering your perspective — as someone who drives on a pretty regular basis, it's one I certainly share.

You're entirely correct that comparing deaths is meaningless without comparing volume, which is why those CDC statistics are stated within the context of a 1.6% mode share. Statistically, if cyclists killed pedestrians at the same rate as drivers, we'd see roughly 16 times as many bike-on-ped deaths. This doesn't jive

Good article, but it misses my perspective almost entirely.

Every damn time when dealing with adults in this era.

Yes, use their trademark carefully...

In other news, potato salad is the worst ways to waste a potato. Think of all the great food you can make with potatoes, and yet, so many are wasted in the clumpy, mushy, mess that is potato salad...

For those of you who aren't versed in Japanese etiquette and politeness: they're basically doing the ultra-polite Japanese businessman equivalent of rolling their eyes and saying "Yeah, whatever, dumbass."

This incredibly beautiful object... I want to live with this precious thing in my future Jetsons-style home.

I honestly think as I get older (and busier) my gamer cred diminishes yearly. I shy away from crushingly hard games more and more as my apparent skill level decreases.

We got "soccer" from you, England. We got it from you guys.

The term "soccer" came from England and only lost its popularity in the late 20th century. In the 19th century, there were two types of "football" - rugby football and Association football, which were nicknamed "rug-ger" and "soc-cer." The Yanks got the term from the English; it originated at Oxford

This will be a boon to some third world countries, assuming they don't get talked into refusing the shipments by ignorant, well-fed, middle class white liberals telling them that GMO is poison.

I came here to start one, but I have been shamed into silence by you prescient comment.

Yea, pretty much (I assume you mean college freshman). This demonstration was also done in my highschool chemistry class.

Pretty basic stuff you learn in Freshman chemistry especially during those 'determine the unknown' labs.