Well I moved to NC a few years ago and i cannot find pizza anything like that here so... yeah i would give it regional cred.
Well I moved to NC a few years ago and i cannot find pizza anything like that here so... yeah i would give it regional cred.
each succeeding steam sale should also result in declining effects as the population acquires the offerings with not enough new ones taking the place of the ones from the previous sale.
Anyone who plays as DuckHunt dog against anyone from the mid 80's/early 90s should be aware they have painted a huge target on them selves. The pent up aggression against that thing is great.
Anyone else come here to see if it was Samuell Benta from Operation Overdrive? The man who not only played a thief on the show but then stole an autographed banner from a convention that was supposed to be auctioned off to charity so he could have a memento.
not so fun fact, my work officially classifies anyone born after 1980 as millennials...... hell to the no. Edit: ugg kinja for some reason linked this tot he wrong comment.
Many of these I feel have been made arguably better.
I personally haven't seen it BUT lets face it, it's the internet. For every reasonable polite comment sent to him he probably got 4 insane and nasty flame tweets. Not defending his actions at all they were totally uncalled for. But I can see some one snapping pretty easy if they post something they are insanely proud…
... Steam has free weekends for games all the time.
See many, not all, of EA's anti consumer BS things are avoidable and they have been making great strides to fix there image. They also usually provide ok PC ports. Ubisoft on the other hand ramrods their anti consumer BS down everyones throat and has a history just slightly better then Rockstar for making badly…
Ahh, Ubisofts trend of messing up the pc port of their games continues.
First, the point of E3 is for companies in the industry to sell their products. In the case of Sony and Microsoft that means hardware and software developed by them should always have the primary focus of their presentation with what they consider to be the major third party exclusive titles that will help their…
problem was it just felt more like a mini publisher showcase then anything that showcased the Xbox one. Microsoft is stuck in this position where they no longer have any idea as to what the systems identity should be now that they have been forced to abandon pretty much everything about it. Frankly that showed big…
Fun fact, every system has its annoying fanboys. You think Microsofts were any better when 360 was on top?
Oh I know, Tetris is probably just the best example most would get. I know I spent many an hour on my old grey brick Gameboy playing that. To this day when ever I need to squeeze a ton of stuff into a little area I start humming Track A. I used to chuckle when I worked at a warehouse club and people would try telling…
Anyone who has ever needed to constantly pack things into small spaces, has benefited from Tetris
AWWW, MSN... I made that mistake once...ONCE. Also seems the net has been cat obsessed for a long ass time.
I named my femshep Jenna
Nah, too dangerous even for them.
But where is the Polybius one?