THIS is why I NEVER do tournaments.
THIS is why I NEVER do tournaments.
I would freak out and spend my life savings if they ever opened a Nintendo theme park
... It's coming to Wii U!
Yeah - Kirby for sure.
I said it is no better than stealing; a vendor is putting something on the market for a price and you have *no* claim on it unless you cough up the change. If you don't feel like paying for it, you have no right to play the game. Just because the dev doesn't have to pay to replace what you downloaded doesn't mean…
Yes! The game holds up very well and is a blast to play.
*Sigh* I have the game on pre order, but the demons in this game really make me uncomfortable.
Just because someone isn't strictly 18 does NOT mean they are not mature enough to handle it.
Yeah - the stuff like the carvings in the witches workshops are mere cameos from other Pixar films
Yay! I really wasn't expecting this to happen - now we can have the best of both worlds!
Am I the only one who thinks that the gamecube Animal Crossing had a *really* creepy art style?
When I first saw the waterfall, I hoped you could use the wetsuit to swim behind it into a secret cave. You can't even go near the waterfall, even with the wetsuit on
I didn't know people bought games without playing them. I always play the games I buy (and think pretty hard about buying any game, on sale or not). Oh well, I guess thats what not having a lot of spare change does to me.
They only die if you *RUN* on them - any form of walking doesn't affect them at all.
"Trampling" reminds me of Animal Tracks....
If I registered Fire Emblem on launch (in February) - if I register Shin Megami Tensei IV when it comes out will I get the credit?
There are no new armor abilities - just armor - which is completely cosmetic
It comes with two new maps good sir
I HATE QUILLSON. I accidentally spoke to him while visiting my sisters town and he literally moved from her town into mine. ughhhhhhh