Collin Christopher

So I agree with what another commenter said about this being related to how we raise boys and girls. I think on the other side of the coin about how boys are raised to get value from being a provider and having financial success, being the "breadwinner",- is how girls are raised to get value from keeping the home and

HamNo neglected to mention the other archetype: Brent. Brent has a small ponytail, light hipster beard and sports Teva toe shoes at all times. Brent workout philosophy consists of: gluten is killing you, The Man is keeping you dependent on running shoes that are ruining your knees, and the reason you can't knock out

Classy, Rebecca Burt Reynolds. Thanks for reminding us that body shaming is okay so long as it's not done against women.

No, that's not it.

I'm not interested in people who are Marxists only on porn.

"Where are the prosecutors who say, "I believe my witness, we're moving forward, and we'll let the jury decide who's telling the truth"? THAT's what prosecutors are supposed to do."

Put it in the sink or a large pot/bin with cool (not warm or hot) water that you change often. According to the USDA you can safely defrost a 12-16 lb Turkey in 6-8 hours using this process. I think you'll be fine, especially if you still have all tonight. Definitely do not try to stick it in the fridge right away

This! And by salting the water, we're not talking about a dash or two. Seriously, you can't use too much — the potatoes only absorb so much and at a certain rate. 90% of the time the potatoes are perfectly seasoned after cooking.

OK, so this guy orders his friends to beat the shit out of a kid for being gay. He brags about ruining his face and leaving him toothless in a school paper, which he turns in to his openly gay professor, and appears to be proud of his behavior.

They deliver until like 6am. It's amazing. ;)

Thanks for policing black female sexuality, white feminists! It's shit like this that makes women of color distance themselves from the term feminism. Anything that deviates from the "look" of women's liberation—Lilith Fair singer songwriter types, Pussy Riot, Hillary Clinton, fucking Riot Girrrl bangs, etc—is

Good. God. Put. That. In. My. Mouth.

Great, from the heart, comments. I usually don't care much for Shannon Sharpe, but he nailed this.

Nice work. They should make you a staph writer +1

Nice throw, pussy. I'm gonna sh*t in a box in your basement.

"Her work comes across as more opinion than review,” he said. “She cites no empirical data to back up her claims.”

Celebratin' a touchdown? Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'.

I very much agree. The "suffering" of wealthy white Southern women—who were certainly the minority of white women— is a drop in the ocean compared to their slaves.

If you mean this at all literally, you are getting carried away. Southern planter-class woman were never representative of American white women. I don't think this is even typical of the experience of planter-class women, whose husbands were usually more discrete and less obsessed. If you mean sexual jealousy as a