Collin Christopher

It's twelve o'clock in Tampa Bay
The home crowd refuses to come in
Josh Freeman is sitting next to me
Drool runnin' down his face and his chin

He says, "Son can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet
Like my passes, incomplete
I wish I could put on my own clothes"

Sing us a song you're

We're listening...
-Tampa Bay Buccaneers

I avoid this issue by buying a microfiber liner that can be taken down and put in the washer to get it clean. I used to have the plastic kind but I hated it. The microfiber liners are not particularly expensive.

You can clarify it. That's what I always do. I keep batches of the stuff around. Obviously, the clarified stuff is a million-times better for cooking. Plus, you don't even need very much to add flavor and browning.

Looks like playing to the whistle if you ask me. All kidding aside, looks like Sio only ended up in the air because the other lineman came over the help and he sort of got sandwiched and lifted up, but I suppose that last bit probably wasn't necessary roughness.

Like this? YUP.

U mad bro?

We really are. I'm feeling REALLY insufferable after this win. #GoHawks

That was just awkward. He sure had my attention after "BBEE be der dhu "

when people say they love all music except rap, they are being racist.

I think a big issue to address here, even though it's a goalpost change, is why is this the best employment option for talented black dancers who aren't thin/fit into a Eurocentric view of beauty? This is probably a great job with lots of pay, comparatively. But to be in this industry with dark skin and big curves is

Ding ding ding.

Do you realize you wrote "It's Jim Harbaugh. Guy's Jim Harbaugh" Seems redundant.

It's Jim Harbaugh. Guy's an asshole.

Hey A&M,

this seems necessary.

Dear Deadspin,

Want to have fun? Wash it, see it what happens. You'll throw it away. You'll find brown stains where the washer wasn't able to successfully wash out all of your disgusting human filth and it settles.