Collin Christopher

This is a ridiculous controversy.


Stock must be made with bones, the gelatin released is what makes it somewhat opaque and slightly thicker than broth. Broth isn't really just "seasoned stock." I am very upset by this distinction. Don't you know how to use the google? :)

Threatening someone is illegal. Being an asshole or using hyperbolic rhetoric is not, nor should it be. The same laws that protect them protect people critical of religious institutions or the government or express any other opinion that's controversial or irritates groups with political power.

Soak in fresh water for about 20 minutes before cooking, they will expel some sand and salt this way. I've also heard of people putting corn meal in the water because those people believe it encourages the mussels to filter more quickly expelling more grit.

Put the clams in a bowl. Fill the bowl with cold tap water. Stir in about a teaspoon of flour. The clams will suck in and shit out the flour cleansing them of most of the grit. Takes about 10 minutes but totally worth it.obviously rinse them after.

No. A "moral imperative" means "believe her at all costs, no matter the circumstances," which is "he is convicted without due process." Because if the default is "she is telling the truth, full stop," why have a trial?

Isn't that the same logic used by people who post revenge porn videos or creepshots?

There is no way anyone here would see this as a gray area if it were men tricking girls into sending them nude pics and then displaying them in public. That does happen of course, and it gets rightly blasted on Jezebel and everywhere else. Suddenly it's a grey area and the issue of who owns the pictures is suddenly up

Basically they sound like they don't want to get sued. I mean, I feel for the writer, given what happened but you get a really motivated person and something that hasn't—and probably can't really be proven in a court of law (not because it lacks veracity but rather there probably isn't enough current evidence) and you

The Seattle deal is even more fair than that Bourbon. The $200 million is a fucking LOAN from the city. Hansen was willing to pay the $200 million back to the city and fix that dump the Sonics used to call home

You are breathtakingly wrong about this. And this "$200 million!" talk misses the point, considering the percentage of contribution in public money it represents in each case.

I don't think the deals are as comparable as you make it out to be. The Seattle deal was ridiculously fair, had public funding approval from the city, had almost all of the planning done, had public and sponsorship support, and had/has no vocal opposition in King County. Meanwhile, the Sacramento deal was well short

I'm never this person, but I have to be honest—I think running this piece was mean. I have no problem with that Nice Guys of OK Cupid tumblr. I have no problem outting people for being assholes. But this guy? We have no evidence of him being anything other than socially awkward and self-promoting.

The Packers are the NFL equivalent of veganism, which is ironic considering two-thirds of Wisconsin’s economy is based on sausages and dairy products. The fans like nothing better than to tell you how much better their lifestyle is than yours. They always try to convert you, like protesters outside a meat packing

I don't know... after the slip above, I'd put this second:

One more:

Drug testing protocol involves the tester putting the cup in front of the athlete, and the athlete having to get right over it, which is why it took Lolo almost four hours.

Is that guy shaking a banana? What in the entire fuck?

Agreed the definition I provided was concise, but I think the point still stands that neuroplasticity means the opposite of what this guy was implying, that boys who have a set of experiences when young will never alter or amend those brain pathways when they are exposed to different experiences later in life. It