Collin Christopher

"A day later, the investigating officer told Hernandez’s attorney, Huntley Johnson, he would not be pursuing charges in connection with alcohol served to minors at the restaurant, but he wrote, “it would be noted in the report so the coaches could handle it internally.”"

He's also particularly insufferable on turtleneck day.

Cock-carrying members of the world: your penis is your penis! It is yours to keep for the rest of your life (I hope)...

ugh god i feel you on this. The world of non-profits and NGOs is sadly, (just in my anecdotal experience) VERY bad at taking labor concerns seriously, and very good at pressuring employees (who it is presumed are benevolent do-gooders who gain non-monetary awards from their work) into working long days, uncompensated.

No one is saying they can't adapt. But, if you aren't socialized to interact with people of the opposite sex because you simply don't have the opportunity, the expectation of perfect behavior is mildly unfair. But we do expect it, and we should.

Tebow Tebow Tebow. Tebow Tebow?

Tebow Tebow Tebow, Tebow Tebow TEBOW!

Tebow Tebow, Te-Tebow.

Ahhhh. TimRiggins.

This is an extraordinarily toxic and unproductive way of thinking. If you want to convince anyone of anything you have to be able to imagine their perspective. No one is asking you to agree with the MRA view but if you attack it without even knowing what it is (and refuse to try to find out) then you're part of the

ESPN just issued a statement about this:

Only problem is hair is a natural anti-chaffing agent. I don't recommend shaving places where skin rubs.

"curvature of the breast" = side boob. I don't think the article makes that very clear, but that's what the rule is for, I think. It doesn't mean you must hide the shape of your breasts. That's impossible. It's to curtail some of the new prom dress styles that show side and under boob.

How does this take two years to be pursued? Just very confused, not questioning her story at all just saying "took a beeline to the medical clinic and had the rape confirmed" then waited a long time.

Individual men will lose out. These advances have a hell of a long way to go and are necessary and moral but I don't think anyone wins by pretending that this will be all positive gains.

For the record, his song 'My Oh My' makes me think he is one of the ones who really deeply care about Seattle's sports scene.

Your move, NBA.

The other catch is that Hansen has only agreed to forgo revenue sharing IF THEY ARE IN SEATTLE. If Hansen buys the team and is told they can't move it to Seattle, then the Kings remain the revenue leech they are today. At that point, Hansen simply needs to remind the owners that while the Sacremento Kings are

Yeah, it's kind of sad, because I respect them for working to make a privately-funded arena. I suspect it is at least one of the considerations. Heaven forbid that private enterprise cover the cost of private enterprise. It really exposes the American Sportocracy as the public-funding addicts they really are.

So you said for the tenderloin just to use salt and nothing else. Why no pepper here?

I'm thin, but I don't work out. I'm active-ish. I'm honest with my doctor about that. And she nags me to exercise more and eat better. I'm glad she does. It's her job. It's the same reason that my friends who still smoke get nagged by their doctors, even if they go in for something unrelated. Cigarettes didn't cause

But Doctor's ARE trying to give you good care. The simple fact of the matter is that it's unhealthy to be overweight. I know there are many reasons for it. But a Doctor pointing that out and trying to give tips on how to avoid that or lose weight is good health care. That's them trying to look out for your health.

The original Seattle Coliseum would be 50 years old, but they completely tore down the old Coliseum and built the Key on the same spot. They may have the same GPS coordinates, but Key Arena and the Coliseum are totally different buildings.