
You can freeze sperm for about $200 a year if you're looking into long-term which is what my partner and I are currently looking into. We did the math and it turns out we actually save about $160 a year, plus doctors are starting to recommend freezing sperm at a younger age because the quality is much higher. Neither

God, I laughed at my sister when she was freaking out that she hadn't shaved in a week and had to go to the gyno. I thought such an idea of a OBGYN judging, caring, or even noticing pubes was so out there that she was crazy, or at the very least brainwashed by her boyfriend.

Exactly. Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex, and would probably be analogous, however birth/abortion is consequences of pregnancy. It would be similar to saying to a woman if you really cannot handle the potential consequence of pregnancy then you need to consider your options. Pregnancy is a serious

Student loans being a pain in the ass, I have their money but of course they made it near impossible to repay it to them (due in two days), that combined with issues with my spring term have set my unknown factor way past my control. Does anyone just freak out when they have stuff on a time limit, but no overall

Urban Outfitters will do that to you, those are friggin cute.

Grad school started back up again and crunched out most of my playtime, but I did play around on a Lich King private server for a little bit, though right now it's not really anything. I'm kind of hoping for the new Star Wars game to be worth it and might give it a go over winter break. A lot of people I know have

Yeah, I haven't looked too into it but it involves pandas and every Chinese stereotype imaginable. I do miss the socialization as an introvert it's far more relaxing than hanging out with friends. Just something about Cata really through me off, I can't do anything without having to devote two hours and I

I gave up after Cata and haven't really had time to get back into it, but I really miss it some days. Have you heard about the new expansion? I think that might be enough to scare me off for good.

If you're finding it too long I had the exact same issue. I switched to a Meluna with the soft ball round (it's a fraction of the length long) and I love it. The Divacup was nice but even after cutting the stem it was always poking and irritating things. I went with a soft one and never had suction issues (though I

I have vague memories of being a 12 year old and stealing my mothers tampons (purple OBs, and for those who don't speak OB pretty much double the largest tampon you've ever seen) for no other reason than I wanted to hide my period until Monday because I was promised the day off of school the first day of my period (I

As someone who can get vaginal orgasms I actually try to avoid them or at least have a non-vaginal orgasm first. Why? Because they're not half as strong or enjoyable. I know some women cannot possibly get them ever, and that's just a biological happening - and if you're trying to push something that's never going to

Since my early twenties I've always responded to virginity questions by: I never lost anything, but I do remember gaining a life experience.

While my first suggestion would be to tell him straight out you’re a virgin, and reassess if you’re completely ready with it (you seemed pretty anxiety high and you never have a duty to have sex, it is your choice and don’t feel cornered into it). However if you feel confident and know that’s what you want to do, but

I hate that I catch myself doing that, even if it's just in my head. It's so bloody internalized it scares me. Worst of all is when I manage to throw that away only to have someone guilt me for enjoying life, even if it's unintentional by mentioning "that's too much for me" for something I wouldn't think twice about.

Right there with you. I have to wake up in four hours, and I know damn well that I'm up at 6 all next week...why do I do this to myself?

I'm the same way about a lot of BJ positions. I generally dislike most oral sex, but I don't really know if it comes from my strong dominate orientation, or more from a rough history with it. The few times I've enjoyed it he was tied down and blindfolded, but my partner has a strong preference of manual over oral so

I've been desperately itching to try the beta, unfortunately I'm pinned on a craptastic laptop during the only bout of free time I've had in a while. Ironically the good computer is about a hop skip and a jump away from their headquarters taunting me. How is it so far? (Huge Bioware fan, but nervious as hell they’ll

Echoing all the former Starbucks employees with a thank god, I hope this movement kicks off.

Pleasing the woman above all else really hits it for me. All porn I've ever encountered (excluding the odd ameture or feminist one) is centred around how she can get him off. Hell, even with threesomes with two guys its one woman trying to selflessly please two guys . You might see them make a halfass effort to please