
Me too! It's freakishly common for me (around twice a day), so I assumed for the longest time that it happened to everyone which resulted in a very odd conversation with the SO (who claims it's just impossible for men...though I'm completely going to share Dig's info). Though now everytime I head towards the washroom

Actually without certain paternity it could wrap several potential fathers into parental investment in a more communal sense (with no idea which children are theirs they're forced to support all potential ones). With polygamy you'd have maybe one father spread over many wives and even more children meaning support

I completely second this. As shitty and anti-women as most religious doctrines are, I encounter the same shit in a different package (as you mentioned evo psych, but also a lot of straight old misogyny) in Atheist communities. I pretty much have to stick to feminist ones if I don't want to be drowned in MRAs and

How would polygamy be more sucessful than a polyamorous society? If anything it would be less as the women are tied to one man and if there were any genetic issues or lower quality sperm it screws over multiple women. The only thing it ensures is sucessful paternity for the male over several partners in which would

I think it really has a lot to do with the person more than anything. I'm fairly dominate in bed while the SO leans towards submissive and I feel quite the same way about the aggressor part...although that tends to carry onto every act. Oral I guess is something which is fairly flexible in that sense and wholly

I once tried to explain my green week to my partner to which he exclaimed "Like junior high to high school!" I seriously have no idea how anyone could spend 5 years like that and get anything done. There's at least two of those days in which are nothing but procastibation, sex, and thinking about having sex with

I'm always amused with the vast amounts of heterosexual men who claim this (because apparently they are the experts on how sexually attractive men are). The whole thing is just silly, though you bring up some serious points and while I've always wondered what the hell type of entitlement might possess them to say such

Not to mention that study just came out suggesting spermatogenesis has serious limits and 40 year old men can be looking at over a 50% decrease in fertility with only 10% of 50 year olds having viable enough sperm to fertilize a egg. All these bs biological excuses are well...bullshit.

Actually recent studies suggest that after 40 male fertility can drop by over 50% and by the time they reach 50 only 10% had sperm viable enough to fertilize an egg. The idea that spermatogenesis can create viable sperm until a man dies is a popular myth and while some men may be able to reproduce until they die they

But you see back when humans lived in caves madness was a great evolutionary strategy for somethingsomethingcavelion and now humans can't help but to go insane when their evo pysch theories are questioned...EVOLUTION! BIOLOGY! SOMETHING!

I think the goal for a lot of these men is to find someone who is much less emotionally mature as a sort of means of power and shifting that dynamic in a relationship more than seeking an equal...which seriously creeps me out more than anything.

I've never heard of this but would really like to learn about it - you wouldn't happen to have any links to where I might be able to find more would you?

"Being disgusted and shaming about menstrual blood is about as fair and reasonable about being disgusted and shaming about semen,"

I got a "pinko bitch" once from an American...though I laughed so hard at his serious attempt to insult me he never tried again.

Thanks! I think she just assumes the most inconvenient place to sleep is the best place...but I forgive her because she's cute...

My cat has summarized my feelings right now: want to sleep but paper iz in way.

Name changes still largely have to do with ownership for some and history matters hugely when it comes to issues such as these. To say it is only an issue to those who are looking for issues is quite frankly insulting, dismissive, and patronizing. To me my name is part of my identity, and for men to candidly write

My friend has been drunk texting me all night and dammit it makes me want to have a beer. This paper is huge (5000 words into it and probably another couple thousand to go) but basically for you think my prof will notice if it goes slightly incoherent in the middle?

I also suggest looking at some other brands of cups as well if you're uneasy about the whole idea. I ended up buying a divacup only to find it a bad fit and never use it (which I'm a bit annoyed at seeing as it costed me $45), I later bought a $15 meluna and fell in love so it's not always you get what you pay for