
Hearted because I really think you hit the root of it especially with the father's name argument I hear far too often. There's something that really enrages me when I hear that and I think you put the problem exactly into words with for daughters it's just their father's name but for sons it is their own.

I saw one for divacup in a cosmo! It was on that giant page full of random items and not a full ad but none the less publicity!

I don't shave but Gillette sent me a free vibrating razor in the mail, and once you took the blade off it wasn't too bad. I just had figured it was a secret ploy to get more women to use their I'm just confused.

You're suppose to dunk it in hot water for a few minutes to clean it/warm it up before use though I've seen some silly additions (my favourite being the thing that looks like a glowstick only when you crack it it gives off heat, I think tenga made it and it was something like $5 each for one time use). I think we

My partner and I were screwing around with those tenga eggs...they're not too creepy or unsanitary (they're disposable), but they're silly as all hell.

Few things boil my blood when I hear about men who won't allow toys during sex let alone for her own masturbatory use. Vibrator/dildos are not there to replace sex, they're there to enhance sex. If you are willing to sacrifice your partner's enjoyment just so you can feel more manly or whatever the fuck it is, then

I know! It's like when white people are called crackers and nobody gets all upset like they do when people use the n-word! Insults are insults. Saying you can't use race based insults is pretty much saying you can't insult anyone who isn't Caucasian. It's so unfair! Minorities can be mean too!

I was just about to recommend the Gigi, that thing is like the Mercedes of toys.

I really not reading it as she's opposing vaginal intercourse (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). I think she's opposing to the idea that oral and manual sex is viewed as something lesser or foreplay to the main event (PinV). Which honestly it is, and seeing that those two tend to be more successful for many women

I've heard Mirena is a good midway point. It apparently doesn't stop ovulation (which some seem to think is half the problem) and has significantly less amounts of synthetic progesterone and no synthetic estrogen like the pill does, but often kills periods either entirely or lowers them down to a couple days.

The pill absolutely destroyed my sex drive. It went from 100 to absolute zero, and the scary part is that I didn't even notice. It was like my entire sexual function was zapped from my brain and I forgot it existed. It has taken about 4 years for my drive to fully return and I recently read an article that claimed

I really don't understand why people are chewing your throat out on this. You just stated it as an idea, your opinion and everyone screaming at you like you're on a crusade to outlaw PinV. While it may not be something I personally would pursue, if someone is more comfortable with that and gets equal amount of

So the lovely readings which I thought would take me all of a night (didn't really look into it because every reading summary I've ever done has taken less than a couple hours) is a 1/2 single-spaced page for each of 30 readings (I thought at most it would be 10, or pick 5 out of something). I just wrapped up a final

I think the issue more is when someone uses female in combination with man/boy. While there's a few times the use of female alone really irks me (context is really big on that one though usually when used as a plural), the main huge issue I have is when someone uses men/boys then when referring to women says

When one of my closest friends was in art school she had the brilliant idea of making a plaster cast of her vulva (I can't even remember the project now, it was about 4-5 years ago). She dragged another friend close friend of both of us over, we had a few beers, and dammit we tried our best!

May I suggest you take a look at a few galleries of vulvas? The internet is full of complete and total idiots who for the most part don't understand sex beyond porn and thus have little idea about the beautiful range of bodies. Centuries ago poets wrote about exquisite flowers and had nothing but praise for their

Not even just guys, I'm hearing this increasingly from women as well which honestly scares the shit out of me. You call them out for being a complete idiot about the female genitalia and explain it in detail how that makes absolutely no sense, and they still don't get it. I've gone to explaining that the labia minora

Is he a active MRA? I struggle with this constantly with my father-in-law. It's so frustrating because I do actively go out of my way to help men because I'm a strong believer in PHMT, and I know most feminists feel the same way. Will he take the logical steps to realize that all women arn't male hating nazis who

Matt Smith has singlehandedly given me a serious bowtie fetish. I don't even understand how that's possible...but damn boy.

I found my first grey about a year ago and went through the same thing. I was so excited I showed everyone I knew and kept getting "oh I'm sorry" then getting looks like I'm insane when I tell them "NO! It's a good thing! Look how cool it is!"