
My plane ticket in to Paris and out of London was under 900. I used AirBNB for super savings on accomodations, and would’ve used hostels for and even better deal. I don’t buy into bus trips or tours, I just find a way there myself . All these things you can save money on while travelling that will make it much less of

Have you considered hostels or airbnbs? These are really much cheaper. Just think outside the box a little? Sorry if you priced those too but I’m going to 15 European cities this year and not staying in a single hotel.

At this point, I’m way more annoyed by people bitching about other people’s social media posts than I ever am by posts themselves. “Stop posting so many pics of babies! Nobody cares about what you’re eating! Stop showing off your vacation!” The whole point of these sites is for people to post things about their lives—

No tip! Didn’t you read? Only fingers.

own it girllll

Ok I’m a boy, well, I’m a 26 year old man but I WAS a boy & seriously?! Go fuck yourselves! I knew an incredible girl in HS (I-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e) she’s my 1 who got away (my fault, not hers) & for whatever reason she saw fit to give me a naked picture. I was as drunk, high, horny, & entitled as ANY guy who ever lived

Ok, how did she barely escape a date rape? He stopped when she asked him to, each time. They fooled around naked and even then he never pushed for more. He was literally inside her and she asked him to stop and he did. I mean, he was mopey about it (probably took it as a personal comment on his abilities) but it

Oy vey. First off, I’m sorry you had a breakup, that sucks and there’s never a good time for that or an easy way to move on. It just takes time.

his drama? you gave about a millionty mixed signals and forced him to STOP in the middle of fucking you — a girl he was very honest about liking.

I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think he overreacted at all. You clearly weren’t intentionally leading him on or anything, but you must have confused the hell out of him. First you want to fuck him, then you don’t, then you really want to fuck him and ask him to go out to buy condoms, and then you tell him you

I am struggling to see how/where he created drama. You might be projecting, because I think he handled being yanked around pretty well. Your behavior was very hot and cold, and when I put myself in his shoes it doesn’t feel good. It sucks to be a rebound to someone who’s using you to work out their own personal shit

...starting this month, each red box of Spanx promotes a dose of what the company says is feminist inspiration: “Don’t take yourself or the ‘rules’ too seriously,” reads a message card.

I have an even crunchier situation going on. My mom recently had to be put in board care because her condition (she’s had several mini-strokes and is no longer coherent) became too serious for my dad to deal with on his own. My dad is still a vibrant, relatively healthy guy. He stayed with and cared for my mom for

No. Flat out, NO. I live in Sihanoukville, Cambodia and the worst thing you can do is interact with street kids. I know it’s tough, but teaching them to braid, stamping their hands, giving them money (especially) is very, very dangerous. I don’t know how to say this eloquently, but white people look the same. Being

I can definitely see the risk as a man in these environments — many men I know are NOT socialized to perceive “the creepy factor” and thus they can’t tell when they are in a dangerous and predatory situation. As a woman robbery is always a secondary concern to the constant threat of sex assault, ranging from a

My kids like to invite alllll their friends to their birthday parties. But receiving that many gifts is INSANE and not good for anyone. So I have come up with Creative Solutions, for instance: “please bring a book to exchange.” Then we have a huge grab bag and everyone gets a book! Present Overload avoided AND party

If your baby hates being read to, you’re doing it wrong.

I get that, and I figured the same thing, but also, like...make a phone call. Explain the reasons. Don’t make a list of demands in a formal, creepy email. Just be like “Aunt Ellen, I get it, you love buying the kid stuff, because its adorable, and he is adorable. We live in a two bedroom apartment though, so could you

yeah how was she going to struggle etc? she doesn’t even know where she is for fucks sake. drunk, passed out ladies do not struggle when they are raped. struggle is not the only sign of rape.

You want to know how commonplace this is? No, you probably don’t.