
The diaphragm is my liiiiiiifffffeeee. I had a mother of a time getting one, had to order mine through my boyfriend’s mom who is a midwife from the states, but it’s the best. I’ve never had a pregnancy scare, we don’t even bother with condoms. He doesn't feel it, I don’t feel it. whipping it in and out is a breeze,

Absolutely, read up, ask around! I couldn’t tolerate hormonal birth control (though I tried for about 3 years) and cycled through condoms, sponges and diaphragms. I wanted to go with a cervical cap but apparently I wasn’t a good candidate. I wish I’d pushed that as I think it was just a lazy doctor or one who was

Yes, ditching birth control can be great and all, but all these women are now back on condoms as their only method of prevention, which is neither infallible (nor fun).

This is what I shared on my FB page a couple weeks ago:

I just think tipping is a really bad system. People's salaries shouldn't be dependent on the whims and charity of random people—and owners of businesses shouldn't be able to pass the costs of paying their employees onto their customers. Tipping, as it's done in Europe and the rest of the world, as a reward for

Alright, I’ve never posted anything on Jez but I can’t resist this one-

You implied that men do not want to settle down because, and I quote, ''Even if you aren't the kind of woman that puts out easily, you suffer the consequences of other women's promiscuity because guys won't bother to wait anymore.'' And may I add also this gem: ''most guys aren't trying to settle down because they

It's sad how you seem to believe that the only reason why a man would want to settle down with a woman is to have sex. Do you really think that sex is your only value? I genuinely feel bad for you.

Abortions destroying a woman's ability to reproduce is a myth put out by the pro-life movement.

Im sorry you had a bad situation in hs but doesn't make it "immoral" for anyone else to do the same. I mean you can be married to some and they can cheat on you and also break your heart. Im sorry the women who are " putting out" (which is a really gross way of putting it) are not making it harder to you get a guy. I

OMG YES! I do feel kinda bad for these kids though. There is something really freeing about just owning your sexuality in all of its complex and exciting glory. Not a lot of these people will ever get to experience that. I came from a pretty conservative family, which really affected my ability to own my and embrace

"Even if you aren't the kind of woman that puts out easily, you suffer the consequences of other women's promiscuity because guys won't bother to wait anymore. If you won't do it some other woman will."

I'm not saying you're doing so here, but I hate when people act like the "slutty" men or women are wronging women who

Since 1958, one of the biggest changes in "conservatism" has been its attitude towards teen sex. If you look at those states where a 14 year old girl could get married in 1958, they were all states that are now Red states: pretty much the old Confederacy. There the rule was that a girl could get married without their

Growing up, my brother thought it would be hilarious to pull the old plastic wrap over the toilet bowl April Fool's prank. My mother went into the bathroom, noticed it immediately, and went and brewed a weak pot of tea. She brought it back into the bathroom and poured it over the plastic wrap, so there was yellowish

oh my dude, so many (i would bet included some of the men you know who are lying about this)!!! i mean, speaking only for myself - sometimes you're duped. guys will say, "oh yeah i love going down on women, i'm great at it! i do it with gusto!", and then either they do go down and are so meh that you just give up the

Then you're in the minority, most women don't cum from sex alone.

Nope. The only ways for me to have an orgasm are oral sex and masturbation.

Found this beauty in a local magazine. It inspired equal parts rage and disappointment.

Dear Old Guy,