
You predicted the present, in the present... wow...

It's also worth *nothing* that Google's been at it for at least seven years. #Corrections

So copyrights only apply to things that are digital?

Well thats the last we'll hear about that, back to news about the iPhone for Gizmodo!

Yeah Gizmodo should stop posting anything about Android or iPhone, stupid fanboys...

Yeah because a 3.5" phone and a 10" tablet are the only two options...

You don't have to bring the pad with you dummy! Also the old phrase: don't knock it until you've tried it certainly applies here.

Spot on!


I guess that makes sense, its pretty much the same device so...

Yeah this ones more like: Shit this guy Says.

Yep! All the time:

I'll be impressed when I actually see one of these robots walk/run on its own without being supported by some arm contraption.

Agreed, get over it people!

Amen brother!

I hate you new comment system, grrr......

No they don't.... oh wait.

Well Windows Phone is a pretty colorful OS so I think it works well with colorful hardware, but to each there own I suppose...

This won't stop kids from killing themselves, it'll just stop them from killing themselves by jumping off these staircases.

refocusing he shot — the shot #corrections