Looks good, clearly someone takes care of their baby. Not a huge fan of some of the mods, but nothing here is a deal-breaker. $14K maybe is a bit high, I’d at least try haggling it a little.
Looks good, clearly someone takes care of their baby. Not a huge fan of some of the mods, but nothing here is a deal-breaker. $14K maybe is a bit high, I’d at least try haggling it a little.
That’s your problem with this?
One of my biggest gripes is unnecessarily onerous headlamp bulb replacement demands. I had a car that only required the removal of the battery to access the sockets on the one side. That bastard ran 160,000 miles on its factory bulbs. I think that the lifespan of the headlight filaments is inversely related to how…
Then it’s good new for you guys. In addition to Oasis-class cruise vessels, also Russian nuclear ice breakers were make here in Finland. Without any cost overruns.
Not only is the list incredibly long but a huge amount of it is completely custom. The economies of scale just aren’t there like they are for commercial applications
It’s basicly a fudge factor that they use to make the lease more attractive. You’re paying for less devaluation.
Now the OE can take a hit if actual post lease residuals are significantly below the estimate but that’s the game they play. In this segment there’s a fair bit of profit padding.
Except the Macan is not MQB. It’s longitudinal engined (MLB from the first Gen Audi Q5)
Here is me, escaping into the woods forever with an E24 after seeing the new BMW 6 Series Gran Turismo.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
NP all day long. The car’s not trashed, the inside looks good, the A/C is probably a straightforward fix and there were tons of these so parts shouldn’t be a huge issue. I would definitely check the oil pan for sludge before purchasing, however.
With no supercharger and a lack of power, this Durango is more of a quiet riot.
Let me translate the VW’s ad (sorry if I mispelled any word and other mistakes. The brackets are some observations I’ve made):
In case anyone else was wondering...
Can we chip in to buy one and give it to Roadkill?
To my knowledge, the W163 (first-gen M-Class) has a full ladder frame, but it does not have a unibody attached. It is just a regular, non-load-bearing body, like most body-on-frame SUVs.
One car that does have a unibody / ladder-frame combo, though, is the Land Rover LR3 / LR4 and the related first-generation Range…
Something else to consider: These have an actual frame, with a unibody attached... imagine detaching the body from the frame and putting a different body on it... THAT would be interesting.
Have you seen what Mercedes ML55 AMGs are selling for these days? Friends, we’re all just a few thousand bucks and a…
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