
At the risk of sounding pedantic, I might suggest that Bechdel is most WIDELY known for her eponymous test, (people who've never read a graphic novel in their life know about that) but she's BEST known for her writing and drawing. Nevertheless, she's a great artist and storyteller, and this post is a cool angle on how

What? Readers contribute most of the content, and usually the best? For free?! Someone ought to start a blog network based in this business model!!

Well, you know, it's not so much what you say as it is the way you say it.

don't you feel lighter already?!

What is click-baity about that headline? It tells you pretty much what you are going to see if you open the link. And don't worry about protecting the rest of us from Tavarish. We'll be fine.

What's harder on a car: under-revving and bogging/stalling the motor, or over revving and riding the clutch too much? Is it inherently bad for a motor to stall it?

somehow I don't think the liberals have the market cornered on thinking the nazis weren't so great

I really dig this car but I have to agree with you there. That's the dorkiest console they could have put in there.

that's funny, and would make a pretty good premise for a QOTD: "what three cars make the best father/mother/offspring family".

If they don't have the capital to invest in engineering cars that meet regulations everybody else has to meet, well, them's the breaks. Can't the Dubai investors pony up a few billion? They've got to deal with this eventually.

I'm reminded of the stripes and stickers special editions Chrysler used to trot out when they didn't have anything new to show. Dodge Neon Expresso, anyone?

If there is a car in the universe that does not need its suspension "reworked" it is the Lotus. Unless that just means replacing tired bushings, it is almost certainly worse, not better.

A college friend had one of these. Same color. Slow as molasses but still a ton of fun to tool around town. It's the most nonthreatening vehicle I've ever seen. And with the top down it feels like you are sitting on top of it. Kind of like big sky country. It's the Montana of cars, I guess.

make sure you get your own car in front of it in the photo, because I'm pretty sure the puma will explode your camera if fully exposed.

pretty sure Ralph Kramden only said that to his wife spousal abuse lololol

what quantity is the threshold for "mass produced"?

so how is Citroen pronounced properly in French?

When I have a heavy heart I, too, often turn to Cheezits.

Yay for link back to Murilee days!!

Boat payment!