
Thank you for the italics. The delicious irony of this story would have otherwise certainly escaped the typical hapless reader.

In an apocalypse scenario, all the infrastructure and supply chains that keep your car going-but you don't really think about-breaks down instantly. Any car or truck isn't going to do you much good beyond however much gas it happens to have in the tank. You really want a horse or MAYBE a mountain bike during the

It was actually a tall ship, but point taken.

These V12 Bimmers are like Smart cars. What? They're not right for American roads. These were made to silently whisk German executives from Munich to the alpine chalet at 240kph: the Continental equivalent of a Cessna Citation. So while Smarts are perfect to zip through the narrow alleys of old European cities but

Reverse: "Ferrari won just 13 of his 47 races." That's a nearly 30% win rate. Any race driver would love to have that kind of success.

This is interesting. I wonder though, if the attributes of the vehicle itself make less of a difference to a gen Y-er than the terms of acquiring the vehicle. I'm 38, and am perfectly happy with my 3 year old cell phone, but all the twentysomethings I know change phones as soon as they possibly can. There's this

Hi Lux!