
I'm not taking on the extra work to be a team player, I'm taking on the extra work because it gives me facetime with VPs and executive level folks. I am currently able to get everything done, but balancing the extra projects with my normal activities is not easy and only recently did I start running into the problem

Don't forget to look at the cost of living index for where you are, and where you are offered a job! It often averages major metro areas, so it can be misleading if you plan on living on the dodgy side of town, but can make a huge difference.

I've actually tried to do this before. Being at the bottom of the proverbial food chain, and volunteering myself into an endless supply of projects (and subsequently meetings), I tried to block off time for me to actually DO my work but these would just get eaten up as soon as someone higher than me in the food chain

A plane crashed at SFO a few weeks ago after hitting the bottom of the tail end of the fuselage on the ground.

I like to think that inside my 3/4" thick laptop, a super tiny version of that is whirring and spinning around. And when I take it to IT, it gets serviced by Mechanics instead of IT folks... who are equally tiny.

We did... they were just all designed by German rocket scientists...

Embrace the curves!

I can't think of any other planet in our solar system I would rather be right now!

Even from Saturn, we still look sexy. Stay classy, Earth.

It makes me sad that this is the lasting image of vampires. No one says "well Tom Cruise will have to find another Summer home" or "This won't bother daywalkers like Blade" or even "This isn't Transylvania, they're fine". No. We now think of vampires as emo kids that sparkle in the sunlight... sigh.

I'd imagine there would be a fairly noticeable difference to the real thing. The local vampires must be quite irate however.

I can't stop giggling long enough to put together a "floppy yellow" joke... you get the point.

Every Friday, without fail, you make me gaze longingly out the window for at a world full of whiskey and beer, knowing that while I still have three hours left at work, the Big Apple is already beginning their weekend. Sigh.

I'm going to assume that this is about 8" around and fits 750ml of your favorite drink. +1 for drinking out of a bowl.

Damn, Floating Toucher took my superhero name.

I like the ease of access to all of these chrome apps, but I can't help but feel we are going full circle. Back in my day, apps launched from the desktop were called "programs".

Of course... everyone knows that... #mechanicallycorrectwhilemakingaclassyplanecrashjoke

I like how there is an article tag for napkins. I will soon be investigating all articles with such a tag, and find out if these are indeed the highest ply/most fly mug wipers around.

You're right, that must be a male-plane!
