
Nailed it. Good thing the edit time wasn't up yet. #you'retheonlyevidenceofwrongdoingleft

I'm not sure that I've ever had a mechanical pencil go dull...

Is that a skid-guard? #nevertoosoon

Figured I'd also contribute something serious to this article. Another route is the app based payment (much like google wallet) that doesn't require a terminal or contact, and integrates into current POS solutions.

I was hoping this was going to be like an NFC type face scanner, so when you were done drinking you would just slam your face against a pad and voila!

I read it Gerber Baby Grylls. Some combination of awesome and baby food.

Came for Dune reference.

You were mostly right anyway =P Smart search is kind of a disappointing focal point. Not sure what you mean by columns though.

I like it, not sure it's worthy of a whole 'nother version number. While I will miss the green, I do like the minimalist UI, I like the new Notebooks layout, and navigation seems smoother.

haven't tried searching anything yet?

Just please tell me that waving my hand stupidly in front of my computer monitor is not going to be the next user interface. I'm an analyst, and waving my hands in front of big spreadsheets would... be a little awkward. That being said, if we could bring up a motion sensing Disco interface where you have to do a

All I can see here is Sookie Stackhouse... True Blood movie leaked?

Wait... am I underneath looking up? Behind looking down? It's been a long day and I can't tell if the sportscenter in the corner is upside down, backwards, or both... Bah I'll just stick with my old fashioned sit-in-front-of-it-and-drink tv.

I think many fictitious things, then I grab my beer, go back to the couch, unpause, and debate with myself whether episode V is still my favorite when I factor in the novelty of episode IV. It's a cruel cruel fictional life we live on the internet.

He did. Took the time to scroll down to the clip.

Robots of the corn?

Then you have to go down to home depot and find some new robots that are willing to do it...

Yes but California has no lack of cheap labor...

Ah, pager nostalgia... never thought that would happen