
I understood his intentions immediately? I think you might just be in the skinny part of the bell curve :p

Gamers are sexy eye candy enough.

The unanimous cry of "This is stupid" restores my faith in the Lifehacker commentariat.

That is an example of what would have been a much more worthwhile post than "Make your mouse uglier and less practical with three hours of your time and Sugru"

Why was Nathan A. in the women's room?

I think you're being a little generous to World of Warcraft. I'm not trying to knock it down, but I think it's hard not to at least consider that it may have reached its sell-by date.

Getting old is when you don't buy games anymore, period.

If they didn't anticipate this, they're crazy.

In fairness, your name is Technical Knockout Knockout. Glass houses, stones, etc.

Have you read the article? It's not about how to get legal things. It's about how to get very specific things, none of which (to my knowledge) are in the public domain. And even if you can find an example or two, the overwhelming majority of TV Shows, Movies, Music, and then the supplemental comics, books, and video

Most indications seem to be that this is something that someone just made up.

That was my point, yes. So why did you?

Yes, copyright and paying for services rendered are concepts that not everyone on the Earth agrees with, and thus arguing that ignoring such things is wrong is a terrible thing to do.

So, since BitTorrent, as a protocol for moving data around, helps some people get totally legal Linux distributions and is thus ethical, downloading TV Shows, Movies, and Music off the internet without paying for them is also ethical?

Because of all of those public domain TV shows and movies that everyone is itching to download?

You're not wrong, but I think that you may be misreading the intent.

I get it that not everyone is a "math person" and some people are turned off by the thought of doing arithmetic.

(1) Telling jokes that make other people uncomfortable is practically the definition of sexual harassment. Now, it's not just one-joke-and-you're-sued, but someone needs to tell you that it makes them uncomfortable and to stop. This is what she did.

iTunes on Windows has to be purposefully engineered to get you to buy a Mac.

Actually, no. I have an MBA, which is probably worse.