
So, your company - which made a product used in a browser - used as its trademark the letter E with "orbit" stylizing, and somehow it's shocking that a company that makes a browser whose logo is an E with an "orbit" style sent you a notice?

I use a PS3 remote. It doesn't have the lag associated with IR remotes, I can set up keyboard commands rather than IR codes, and I don't need to point it at the box.

True. And where's the Windows Mobile 6.5 section?!

You can tell we're in the future when the strawman is in the headline.

I'm in constant amazement at Lifehacker's seamless blending of tips on buying expensive computer equipment while furnishing your house like an impoverished person.

Sure. But can't we also agree that when I said "reasonable mistakes being fine" I wasn't exactly saying that someone "should just hand in resumes with coffee stains and spelling errors".

Well, I was referencing the "I am" part of that sentence that's missing, and that nobody really needs to type out because the fact that it's understood is more important than the grammatical accuracy.

I'm aware of that line of reasoning, I just think it's ridiculous.

You've never sent "Leaving in 5" or something similar that omits a subject and verb? Grammar rules are pretty easy to break.

Nine times out of ten that you don't get a response to a job posting on the internet, it's not because of your resume. Hiring managers look for excuses to screen people out (hence spelling errors being suddenly very, very important).

I'd be less annoyed with him and these articles if he wasn't (apparently) punching above his philosophical weight. It's not male or female? Okay, that's fair enough. But at least admit that the model was conceived as male - I mean, he has a goatee and is named Steve. Was Leslie, or Sam, or Chris, or some other name

I kind of accidentally did this when I quit smoking. While reading a book (Allen Carr's Easyway), rather slowly, I started building a list of reasons in my head as to why I shouldn't smoke (which are, obviously, many). When it actually came time to put out the last smoke, it was almost inconsequential.

Not really, there are outliers on the bottom end, too. Really, the money shot is r = .292, not r-squared, the typical measure of regression reliability (assuming here that the "57" is the number of data points). at .292, the r-sq would be .085, or that the line "describes" 8.5% of the data points. Admittedly, it could

VOTE: Safari. Under duress.

I can hardly speak for most people, but I only use the web interface under duress. The fact that Google decided that everything should be contained in the web browser is fine most of the time, but I prefer to have quality options for email and chat outside of the browser.

I use Postbox, and I generally like it, but I wish that they (or someone) would go beyond Gmail and, say, integrate Google Calendar in some way that's better than Lightning/Provider's clunky handling of Google Calendar.. or had Toodledo/RTM/some kind of task sync. Etc.

I feel like this list is missing the only really important parts:

"I live by morals, I don't live by laws," he went on. "Laws are something made by assholes."

Well, the studies that I think you're referring to don't demonstrate that they're dangerous, they demonstrate that they tend to increase rear-end collisions (less dangerous) while decreasing right-angle collisions (considerably more dangerous). In both cases, though, the crashes are the product of unsafe driving:

I still don't think you have the facts right. If you have a subscription, 70% of the fee gets distributed among the sites that were scraped; it doesn't matter when you signed up. I still have contributions listed, and it's on the "about us" page [] - It's not required (as it used to be) and I assume