
@jsmorley: Well, when I know I'm installing something, the UAC is easy to click through without thinking about (more than once if you're installing iTunes, since they like to point that out) - it's when you don't expect it and it pops up that people pay attention, and that is usually when it needs to be scrutinized.

@Thorn: I think that the two may be unrelated in large part. A lot of people probably waited for the review to make sure it wasn't a huge bomb, but GTA4 was probably the most publicized game of the past decade and was going to sell regardless.

If the tech was there, would you sit down and watch a WoW raid in prime time?

@Kral2: How on earth does "anti-science theocracy" lead to inflation? Does Bernanke think Jesus wants him to cut the Fed Funds rate? Maybe you should go back to ranting about the Bush administration on your Livejournal instead of trying to sound smart elsewhere.

I don't play TR (and never have outside of 2 hours in beta) - but it seems idiotic to can it so early in its life. They can't offer incentives? Give the box away for free? Anything?

I realize this is tangential to the conversation, but I apparently failed to realize how many people had never played (or even heard of?) Fallout before Fallout 3 became 2008 GOTY-apparent.

This is a cute trick, but when is the last time someone came up with an idea for a domain name that they had to check before they got to a computer? I think this is about 10 years past its time.

Live Search is definitely the best thing you can get for a WinMo phone, it makes Google Maps look like bush league.

@garbanzo-bean: No, but you turning on the TV doesn't cost the TV channel money whereas bandwidth does, nor does the TV station not lose revenue if you don't see the ad. All I'm saying is that if you go to, say, [] frequently, turn off the ad blocker on that site. There's nothing wrong with supporting a

@EgoWumpus: Internet != air. Nobody put up "air infrastructure" at any time or cost to them (unless you're religious, I suppose).

Since it was brought up, yes, Ad Blocking is effectively stealing. I'm not saying get rid of AdBlock Plus, but if you go to a website frequently, you should really disable it on that site. Otherwise you're just being a douche.

@jrobie: That's about the most asinine thing I've ever heard. Are we all harmed by people paying for movie tickets, thus justifying $10 prices?

VOTE: FireFTP - since it's 2008 and FTP isn't relevant enough to warrant its own separate program anymore.

I don't think that you can really complain that Windows has some major advantage as far as installed base against Mac goes when you're talking about Lifehacker readers. If some sort of Linux app was two votes behind, I'd be impressed.

Yeah, this just seems like a misadventure- Wikipedia is more or less already a verb, so it seems they're a few years late to the party.

@CadErik: You forgot one reason to own an iPhone:

Well, if it's any consolation, there's not nearly as much treehugging "Our children won't be having fun in 10 years because you're raping the earth comments as I thought there would be.