
Gah, managed to slip and submit =\

@Jared Goralnick: I'm not necessarily trying to say that you started out trying to do a takedown on Exchange, but some of the comparisons are just kind of ass backwards:

Bias much?

I don't have an Xbox 360 (though I've been considering one), but is it really wise to change out the fans considering the high incidence of RRoD errors?

If TransGaming's ability to make games playable in Linux is any indicator, Mac users probably shouldn't hold their breath for the great games like Catz and CSI.

@astrosmash: What does the iPod do that makes it better than "just another media player" when it's paired with iTunes?

VOTE: Windows Media Player.

Yeah, I always took the $10 price point for Kindle books for granted because of some of the shortcomings of the format. If you're going to effectively pay full price, you may as well just get a hard copy.

Yeah, most places have free wi-fi, but most places don't have more locations per square mile than some states have people.

What? A forum moderator is about a half of a step above the janitor on the importance scale at game companies. I have no idea why this is even news.

I don't see what's so surprising about this- Wii Sports is a 5-in-1 multiplayer game, Wii Play has a free controller, Wii Fit is an exercise substitute. The last three games have party multiplayer as their core competence.

Seriously, I don't see how Firefox saves any meaningful time. I mean, it's faster than IE, yes, but I hardly think I'd be significantly less productive using IE.

@Movado: How does one follow the other? There are specific areas for you to take your cherished piss, similarly there are places to smoke (ashtrays and vicinity). My issue is with people who seem to think that if they walk within 10 meters of someone who's smoking they'll need chemotherapy before they get home.

@Rhywun: Amen. Though, I'm an ex-smoker, but I'm still a-ok with people who still want to do it.

You know, I hate seeing fat people all over the place. And they keep taking 10 minutes every hour to go to the lunchroom and have a twinkie! They should be fined.

A lot of the criticism comes from people who wouldn't really benefit from having the device.

Why exactly do I need to defend that I drink coffee? Everyone has some vice - food, cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, TV, etc. And if they don't, then they're sure as hell not worth emulating.