Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.
Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.
Maybe take a break and go outside for a bit.
It's the day after a huge launch of the second largest OS in the world. It's to be expected and some of us enjoy reading these things. It takes less than a second to jump past those five articles. Just don't click on them. Instead you wasted time to come here and bitch in the comments.
That is beautiful.
Parenting done right (tm).
We've always used the proper terms with our kiddo (I'm a biologist, I'm not going to call it a wee-wee or a hoo-haa or whatever). She was then told by other kids she was saying "bad words." Her teacher started to tell her not to say those and she proudly said "My mommy says those are the right words and not to use…
There is a monumental difference between using a name that's not on your driver's license and not wanting your friends and family to know who you are. Surely anyone can understand this concept, particularly given the context given in the article.
He gets his DOG chopped off, sneaky way to add it to the walpaper.
Drew Magary's post yesterday on corporal punishment and parenting inspired a great deal of feedback, including a…
Yes, your comments are definitely living proof of, uh, something. Thanks for stopping by!
ironically enough female strippers have a higher than normal rate of physically abusive fathers.
I'm keeping my baby of the pole. By any means necessary.
Working in maintenance for the school district as I do, I can see numerous uses.
"Littlejohn went on to say that the vehicle would be used by police officers for protection in the case of an active shooter, or if the school needs to rescue children from a fire, because no one in this situation has apparently ever heard of a fire department."
Water puts out fire, sure, but why use water when you can…
Black Diamond and Black Pearl
I have a parenting issue in that my daughter wants dolls, but I find them horribly creepy. I bought her a Merida Disney toddler doll which is just about all I can manage, but she threw a tantrum at a shop over the scariest looking Bride of Chuckie-esque one the other day. What is it about those ones with the…
"Ramen" is a type of noodle that is originally from China. Japan has taken it as its own and there are different kinds of ramen throughout the country.
Now I really want to see the film. Thanks, hateful internet commenters.
I just found out I'm going to be a dad. My own PARENTS don't even know yet. I've just been walking around with this huge secret for three days now. I needed to tell someone, and I don't think my girlfriend reads Deadspin. EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY, RIGHT?