
it is pretty sweet!

You have a long battle ahead of you. There are legions of retards who actually believe this.

Since you seem to be confused.

I hope the naysayers screaming how this is dangerous and wouldnt work are proportional to the numbers that show up on 3d printed guns posts.

It would probably actually work!

Tell me again how no cars are being chopped.

If this fucker hit me with a bat and i fell and scraped my knee you could bet id want him beaten tazed and arrested.

If you do not feel superior to them already before you laughed, you are losing the battle of life.

i dont care how many times you washed your feet, theyre still fucking gross.

Some modded nerf guns leave bruises obv this is much less than that, but some are seriously crazy


oh no what if my burner gets banned?

good luck have fun its been months of saying niggers almost erryday

oh? Why?


i guess this might be a good time to tell you, all of that crap was literally pasted from stormfront, and you just went right on debating it. thanks for playing, lol.

than blacks/abos? absofuckinglutely

Currently species are still primarily distinguished by their appearance, but it is becoming very clear that looks don't always tell us all we need to know about whether two organisms are different.