
Care you go a little deeper into why they are useless?

So many hot takes 3 games in. Liverpool has a terrible defense, and a very mediocre goalkeeper.


Props for the Spumoni Gardens mention!

“Eat like a baby carrot or something because you need a vegetable.” That is asking too much. 

Ugh HAIM is so overrated. Basically ripping off music that was laughable then.

When events are this crowded I don’t know how anyone can have fun. It looks miserable.

I’m as liberal as they come, but you’re a douche.

Surprised a Trumper would do such a kind thing.

Probably. Spurs have a great base and need to strike while the iron is hot. If they don’t win anything next season they will have their players poached left and right. Kind of like Arsenal.

Cut the shit. Spurs fans would love to win the FA cup. Arsenal have done the CL qualifying for years, and I would take the FA cup over finishing in a CL spot. At best, Spurs will make the round of 16 and get destroyed by a big club.

This. Is. Good.

New gatorade commercial.

I can’t wait for all the 1st amendment hot takes on this. Along with all of the “oh so black players can say whatever they want, but not white guys?!”

And he is by far the worst player on that list.


“Who actually wants to be in New York or L.A. for more than a couple days at a time? I can’t imagine putting L.A. above Seattle, or even D.C. (disclosure: that’s where I live)“ stop it


I keed I keed. Patricia keep doing you!

All written by Patricia Hernandez of course..