
How do you figure? It is just another mega-yacht, just on an even bigger scale.

Giant sailboats are the vinyl record players for rich people. 

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I guessing he has, but Monsters and Smokes are on sale there because they make all their profit from kick backs from A1.

I stop at that gas station sometimes for my smokes and morning Monster. The guys who run it are super dirtbaggy and are almost certainly working with A1 in all of this bullshit. 

am I getting this correctly? A tow trucks goes into a truck stop to refill. Does his refill, moves his truck and goes to pay for parking and during that time the trucks get booted?

Doesn’t the truck stop have a contract with that A1 company? The truck stop allows that kind of behavior on their property?

Jesus what the fuck is wrong with people and passing. I was driving to southern Utah last year and long lonely desert highway, caught up to a car doing 60 in a 70 zone, as soon as we got to a passing zone he speeds up to 80, then after that back to 60. So finally I get past him and then he tailgates me for miles. Dude

Texas, America’s other Florida.

We’re doing politics wrong. Anyone who actually wants to be a politician, should probably be banned from being a politician. They’re all a bunch of egomaniacal shitheads.

‘65 GT350R. There were 34 of them built specifically for SCCA racing. They came hot on the heels of the Shelby 427 Cobra. IMHO there has not been as pure a vehicle from Ford since this car. Certainly, there hasn’t been as pure a driver’s Mustang since the GT350. The R version is just icing on the cake.