
Gabe Kapler is the manager Rachel Phelps should have hired instead of Lou Brown.

amazing how a stranger’s odd hatred for the true hit king can make a person really want to honor the true hit king properly.

Wow, Vlad Sr. was within 30 feet of the pitch and didn’t swing?

Suns Browbeaten

When asked why Papagiannis was cut, Divac replied, “I know a flop when I see one!”

but at least they shut down the Cavs best option: letting D-Wade hoist it up 70 feet from the hoop.

You sure as hell shouldn’t count on the guy with the gun to help you

I pick the guy with the gun. I don’t have to be faster than the animals, I just have to be faster than him.

Yeah, the 85 percent of the country that has no idea what Roy Rogers is or where they’re located.

It really looks like Hitsugaya’s is in Zaraki’s pouch here...

You’re friends with Drew?

Austin fucked me up a few times as well. SXSW can be too much fun.

but the Jets certainly look legit

We’ll move him up on the list as soon as he figures out how to reach the soccer ball stuck under this car.

My wife won’t let me join it as I would certainly get us run out of town within days.

If the coaches want to wear camo gear, they should also have to wear helmets, carry toy guns and talk into military style radios instead of headsets. If you wanna play army men, play fucking army men.

Lebron James & Derrick Rose?

Niko Mirotich & Bobby Portis.