Why was this comment approved?!? Just no!
Why was this comment approved?!? Just no!
That’s 29°C!! o.o Forget wearing pants and a jacket, I’ll just be dying in shorts!! Then again, I live in Canada and right now I’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt and it’s 6°C (43°F).
Fully agree! Bought an X-Grip mount for both my vehicles in 2012, as did my dad and siblings! The fact that it handles different phones, both with and without cases, and is ROCK solid means that I have upgraded my phone and changed my cases multiple times so far in the lifespan of this mount. HIGHLY recommend.
Agreed! I use Session Buddy and love it. I feel that it handles straight session saving and remembering much better - Spaces seems to be designed for frequently opened groups, or workspaces, something that I use Speed Dial 2 to accomplish.
I would guess they run each program's update software verbatim, but it seems like they curate the list of supported programs and remove any that include bloatware - see the first entry in the changelog for version "Removed Avast Free Antivirus due to their installer installing bloat ware"
Huh - while the interactivity that I can see is kind of nice, although I don't see a huge use for it, I'm still a fan of the sheer power that Excel offers. This seems to me to be a little superfluous - maybe it's the academic in me, but it seems that any data set that can be put into a URL string without causing a…
Very derpy.... I wondered what was up with that, and then remembered I was on dev.
I agree - I honestly didn't think about it until I read this post, and I don't remember exactly when it changed for me but it wasn't recently (I run dev).
Well, I still prefer Start8. The ability to run Metro apps within a normal window is a tempting feature, but Start8 boots directly to desktop and has a MUCH better Win8 style start menu - those blocks just look butt-ugly!
I print pretty much everything. I'm a nursing student, and ALL my profs insist on printed papers for them to mark, and when I'm in the clinical setting, even if some information is available on an Electronic Health Record, for nursing purposes and patient safety, we are still required to do everything on paper and…
"And because your phone or tablet is a screen, sans serif fonts have better legibility" - based on your very argument, why are Lifehacker articles set in a serif font face? The CSS sheet has it as Georgia, Times, 'Liberation Serif', and serif. Nowhere in that cascade is a sans serif.
I find it very amusing that the main image of the Kobo shows the public wifi of the local public library where I live (Edmonton Public Library). It's even more amusing that this is a blog post basically talking about OverDrive ebook rentals, which aren't available in Canada!! Boo!!
I personally like using the Konami Code to get into the developer mode (in JustType you write upupdowndownleftrightleftright... :P)
This may be a silly question - but what dd-wrt theme is that in the screenshot, and how would I find it? The red looks very snazzy and actually very professional.
I've had a Google Voice account here in Canada for - oh, quite a while. :P
I prefer seeing two polar opposite articles. It feels like I get better information, rather than one writer sitting on a fence, I have two writers who are defending their position and likely to pull out more/as much information as they have to back their side up. Compare this to a single article where, to limit…
Needs a "I'm still rocking it old-school. Wall to wall DVDs baby!" option. :P
I like this idea, but as a nursing student, I know that most people who will be employing me won't even open something like this if I sent it to them.