
I don’t know what that means, if anything, but I maintain my stance that some of these stories only work if you have the movie actors involved.

An excellent point; however, you and I are both here in the comments section, so...

I know but how many people, who know Amanda’s name, can name the actual murderer and the murder victim as well.

If you click through her twitter thread, the media is using her image and her name on all features about the film, because the filmmaker explicitly named her as the inspiration for the film. So her name, likeness, etc. are all being used without her consent, to make other people (mostly already rich white men!) money,

FWIW, her family were basically penniless after all the court battles, legal fees, flying back and forth to Italy, paying for a place to stay, etc. They’ve been honest about how the book advance went back to Italy in the form of paying all her debts - like, she literally HAD to write the book to not have her fam go

So not only does she not have the right to her own name, but you also think she doesn’t have the right to try and reclaim that stolen agency? That's an incredibly asinine point of view for you to take. 

It seems like theres a lot more going on between her and her sister than we know about so we’re getting little pieces of a larger tension that don’t make sense because we don’t have the background. That tribute was in like 2017 so clearly that’s been on her mind for a minute. That said, this video of Britney’s

It’s like watching a Salem Witch trial in real time. Sink or float, you always lose the test and die.

When you look at Britney as a whole person, she really wasn’t that threatening or reckless or self-harming. She was a child star in fits of rebellion. I can think of five grown ass men who were violent and did the same shit she did on a grander scale and no one would think of putting them under a conservatorship.

Okay but the fact that Celine’s husband clearly groomed her from when she was 12 years old doesn’t get enough attention.

And her lawyer claims he told her that, but did he? The judge literally said she could remarry if she wanted to but suggested no one tell her that.

Absolutely. That was pointed out in a Crooked Media video interview with Farrow and Tolentino, who wrote the New Yorker article. Another thing is that if the attorney who is supposed to be representing Spears’ interest is getting paid around half a million dollars a year by the conservatorship, one must wonder how

But that’s the problem with conservatorships: they’re self-reinforcing.

It was a surprise “tribute” and she likely would have wanted to sing her own songs. Imagine being told you can only do the thing you love when someone else tells you to and they control final decisions in how you do it. Then to have a family member, who is aware of all this, participate in a “tribute” to you regarding

I did a little research and it looks like to terminate the court has to find it is no longer required or the grounds for establishment of it no longer exist or both. For establishment, it has to be shown by clear and convincing evidence which is somewhere between beyond a shadow of a doubt and more likely than not. It

If not being in full control of your emotions is one of the legal elements for a conservatorship a lot of us better hope no one drags us into court.  

Yah, I’m not sure why there needs to be explicit fucking... I’m honestly really grateful for movies where women aren’t treated as fuck-toys for male pleasure. Leave it implied, let it be family fun and enjoy watching hot people kill aliens.

You should watch Jessica Jones. Girl and her friends definitely fuck.

From the survey of men who grew their hair out in the pandemic here:

I had something similar happen a number of years back. Was dating this guy for several months, he was a little hot and cold but seemed to want to get serious. He went out of town fairly regularly, said it was for business trips. Seemed legit with his job. Flash forward and I get a dm from this girl in Arizona (one of