I don't care
I don't care
No its not. Old people have Rush Limbaugh. And Fox. And Alex Jones. Nothing is worse than them.
Rub it in or in this case, slather it on.
WELL we have to make do with what we have! But I’m very happy for you (and very jealous).
First of all, usually people like Manny who get off by being mean or exclusionary are only deeply sorry about the damage they do when they themselves get hurt. He had no problem being part of that You Can’t Sit With Us lifestyle until there was no longer a chair for him at the table.
Secondly, I’m reminded of that…
Though he describes being canceled as “truly the most terrible thing I’ve ever been through in my life,”
That floor was under construction I don’t think it had anything to do with Kendall it was just a coincidence
This was my favorite episode so far - and that last scene really gutted me. Shiv’s look of disappointment earlier when Kendall got the praise on the deal was a sad moment of realization, so to then see her reaction to Kendall admitting he’ll never take power was fantastic. You could see the back and forth of how she…
Gerri was giving a recap off to the side saying the victim had been emailing about a culture of bullying before he killed himself. And Tom and Greg looked horrified passing the office where it happened.
I would pay extra to watch this show.
Loved this episode.It was pretty dense with great moments. There were all of these amazing scenes that would have been the spectacular last thing in any other show, but I looked at my watch and only half an hour had gone by. After such a hilarious episode, they end on an emotional stunner, which made me think of…
Shiv and Kendall always had an underrated dynamic.
There was a flash of deep contorted pain on Tom’s face when he told Greg that he didn’t like how it made him feel. That’s really how he feels about Shiv’s “open relationship,” but he can’t say it to her. He can say it to Greg, though.
I think Greg (the Egg) voicing panicked, breathless concerns about an “attack child” making it through a small window and into the “safe” room might be the funniest throwaway gag in 2019 TV, for me.
“Attack child.” Oh, Greg.
On a related note, HBO needs to fast-track a crossover show starring their three resident…
I sorta hate seeing Connor getting as slimy as the rest. I liked him as the kooky water miner in the desert.
It was interesting that Gregg compared his leaving to a different department to an open relationship, and that’s when Tom really flipped out and started yelling and throwing bottles, given that he’s so uncomfortable with the open relationship he has with Shiv. It’s clear why he feels like he has no one and he’s boxed…
It's the magic of what he does with his posture
Definitely my favorite. So many interesting character developments. I love how Tom’s almost gleeful that Greg is blackmailing him. I thought he’d be pissed but it makes perfect sense! He lives for the cutthroat business world; he expects people to be after him all the time cuz he’s after them! Why wouldn’t he respect…
‘Fire Mark Ravenhead’
Well I think it was my favorite episode of the show so far. There is such an absence of tenderness in this show that, as short as that moment between Shiv and Kendall was, at the end, I felt sort of a relief. Jeremy Strong was great in that scene. Also, there’s something in the way he plays Kendall, it always seems…