
It’s some David Cronenberg shit

Especially since we’ve all learned by now that they’ll be back at work within a year.

God can people please learn to not equate getting fired from a job with having your life ruined?

Oh no this is so disappointing. I loved Yoffe when she was writing Dear Prudence. I am not completely surprised though - she did always have weird hangups about alcohol and sexual assault. I did not see it as much as the other commenters here noted. I do agree that Daniel is great at Dear Prudence.

Yoffe has always straight-up misrepresented sexual misconduct stories. I remember one specifically where a young woman was performing oral sex for the first time on a guy she liked when she discovered with her tongue that he had an STI he hadn’t told her about. She stopped immediately and wanted to leave. He wouldn’t

It is offensive. It doesn’t even look like they fit? The big is hanging off the edge. What is this trash?

There’s a way to say what she’s trying to say without blaming victims, and she never manages to do that. Yes, heavy drinking on college campuses is a problem. You can say, alcohol and drugs negatively impact your ability to read signal, express yourself, and properly evaluate consent. The conversation seems to always

Is it a high-heeled shoe with a pointed toe-box? Hard no. No discussion required. The human foot isn’t designed to be squashed into this shape.

A flaccid peen peeking through an unzipped fly comes to mind. Hard pass.

I used to read Dear Prudence and remember that while a lot of the advice was good, Emily Yoffee would go off the rails whenever anybody talked about rape or consent. It’s really odd that she would proactively choose write about rape and sexual harrassement stories in defense of the potential criminals. Even if she

That’s what I thought at first glance too. I took a second look at the other foot and it looks like they used a tan polish. Definitely not what I would put on toes. This designer must be really devoted to fucking feet up.

Fashion is just trolling. Fashion designers are challenging each other to get people to wear the most ridiculous clothes and accessories. Loser pays lunch

It was nice!  It was so nice and normal as to be kinda boring!  Why is this the lede for the Dirt Bag?!?!

I was just going to say that it can’t be a recent photo. No plastic surgeon is that good

This is very different from reproductive freedom. A better anaolgy is forcing people to have car insurance to drive. It’s not all about saving YOU. It’s also about saving OTHERS you could infect because they’re not able to vaccinate yet.

Two or three years ago, a three-month old died from whooping cough here in Germany, because at this age he hadn’t recevivd his shots yet. The mother actively encourages vaccination.

They don’t understand how serious it is and think the deaths and disabilities are a thing of the past. We’re stronger, healthier, well-nourished and have better medical care now so childhood diseases are less risky, but anti-vaxxers think it’s risk-free. When someone dies, they assume that person had other illnesses

With the little interaction I’ve had it’s mostly denial of how serious these diseases are and the fact that no deaths have been reported in the US. While ignoring adverse health outcomes and deaths overseas 

Yes but the Government has an obligation, and the power, to pass laws protecting the health, safety, and well-being of its citizens. It can involuntarily vaccinate people if there is a legitimate need, and it can certainly quarantine people who won't get vaccinated. You right to swing your fist ends at my nose; your

M guess is that some of it comes from knowing that their wives likely had to make major sacrifices for the sake of their husbands careers and potentially had to curtail their own ambitions and potential.