
I’m not going to read past the “spoilers ahead” bit but the first two paragraphs have sold me. Pumped to see this. Thanks, thundercunt hagbeast!

Imagine being so privileged that you can not only just think Reagan wasn’t racist, but literally write a biography about him and still think that. 

They are taken aback because they are Reaganites and if St Reagan was racist that makes them racist too. The only thing white people find worse than actual racism is finding out they are racists. At this rate it will take another 45 years before they concede Reaganomics was racist, classist bullshit. Growth? may actually be part of the problem! Oh man, your reply was unintentionally perfect.

Agreed it was a long time ago and views can change. But key points are that 1) even at the time Biden was the ONLY Democrat who was using these conservative talking points and voting against the tax credit in question and 2) he didn’t really say anything in his response to the effect of having evolved on the issue,

Biden has to actually admit he was wrong first. Last night, he defended his Iraq war vote, the Hyde amendment, being anti-bussing, the crime bill, and this op-ed.

Same boat for Kamala, I don’t know where you’ve seen her being forgiven for her AG record. Warren has acknowledged that her beliefs were wrong and actually

The problem is that he really hasn’t evolved though.... 

Full-time caregiving is a profession (most often unpaid) requiring a specific set of skills and not suited to all personality types. For incredibly obvious reasons, not everyone can be a soldier. Or a mathematician. Or a stage performer. Or a doctor or a lawyer or an accountant or a teacher, etc. It would be absurd to

Proof that you don't have to be straight to have shitty takes.

If anyone is interested, I’m pretty sure Daniel Mallory Ortberg over at Slate has answered similar queries, but, shall we say, in a kinder way.

It’s a primary, though, with dozens of other candidates at the moment. Even by the time Super Tuesday comes around, there will probably be at least five other candidates still in it. Why him, when it is still early enough to choose someone else?

The very significant thing here is that 40 years ago this already wasn’t mainstream Democratic thought (Biden was alone in his opinion); it was right-wing Republican BS straight from Phyllis Schlafly’s anti-feminist newsletter.

Also let’s be honest, you’re incapable of writing anything without snark!

So snark on Kinrgy, not her coming out.

It's not unclear that you're bi and I'm glad you get to speak on it.  I'm unmarried but bi.  But this came off...overly snarky.  I'm no fan of hers but isn't she from a super religious background and kind of held up as that sort of paragon? Sounds like a hard situation to come out in.  Let's embrace her, not snark on

She’s best know for being on Dancing with the Stars, she’s been in some movies too I think. But I think her coming out is actually kind of a big deal because she comes from a conservative Christian family background (Mormon I think). So it probably did take a lot for her to get to this point, good for her.

Women with husbands are a marginal, underrepresented segment of the population. Thankfully, former competition show dancer and frequent podcast guest Julianne Hough has broken down our community’s barriers

Oh you sweet, summer child.

She really did. Hell, even Kendra did. All those girls did. I believe he was a predator and used his profession to coerce sex from women he knew had no interest in being with him, he held his power over their heads and treated them like trash... I hope he burns in hell forever. (I’m talking about Hugh Hefner btw)
