
What surprised me most about this story—and the scandal Wu endured after being accused of “ungratefulness” following an infamous tweet—is how easily the media engaged with the narrative. As the entertainment press, we field emails from executives and publicists daily. Everyone wants top billing and a slightly larger

I agree a lot of women get unfairly tagged as a diva. But.. did Wu not do this to herself with her extremely ill advised tweets? I hadn't really heard any rumblings of her being difficult before this (maybe I missed it). but it seemed like she catapulted that narrative by tweeting that ridiculousness from her OWN

When I saw what Gabbard said, my first thought was, since when did that matter? It's not like Orange Rump has any qualifications, either, and Harris is vastly more likely to take advice. My second thought was that Gabbard is a twit who needs to quit wasting other people's time. 

I wouldn’t be shocked if some of that is an MLM style scheme.

I’m really off my game today, I just realized your comment was a perv one. 

There was high praise for Beyonce’s video, but it made me wonder... (It’s a fine video, but a Beyonce video rather than a lion King video ).

I wasn’t expecting a lot from this movie, but I was irritated by what they did to “Be Prepared.” Turning it into a spoken word performance with minimal singing was frustrating, as it’s got to be one of my favorite Disney songs of all time.

I felt bad for Seth Rogen during any of the songs...but I really liked the new

THE GLORIOUS SHADE. “I have outlived him and what’s more, I am so indifferent to his existence (or, alas, lack thereof) that I don’t even recall the name attached to his now-decaying body.”

For no reason at all, here’s this picture:

I’m guessing her thumbs were moving fast and auto-correct got the best of her. There are plenty of reasons to dislike her, but I’ll allow anyone a lapse in thumb dexterity. Can we get back to how she’s so, sooo vapid?

It amazes me that while they claim to have tons of money they can’t seem to hire someone to make not-hideous graphics for them.

I once went through a tragic time. My wife left me. A day later both my parents died in a horrible jet-skiing accident. Right after being told this, my medical test results came back. I actually had TWO forms of cancer.

Breaking up Jughead and Betty wouldn’t be the worst thing ever.

I was 100% convinced it was Andrew Yang... but on second thought, Yang is probably the candidate with the most obnoxious emoji habits.

“I’m the leader now! wait dad-can you come back from being the sheriff now and help me?”

Ya, Riverdale exists on that line between campy fun and outright trash. Its first season it was clearly campy fun, it had some issues but managed to balance out in season two, this season it start to get too trashy. I hope it gets its balance back next season.

Have you considered fucking fully off?

I wanna say that I expected more of a mess from the boning simulation!

It’s a shame to arrange such a rare diamond in such an ugly setting.