My first thought was that she’s 34 years old and engaged to be married for the 3rd time. Excuse me for thinking it won’t last.
My first thought was that she’s 34 years old and engaged to be married for the 3rd time. Excuse me for thinking it won’t last.
Make the stone about 1/10th that size and it might look good.
Oh no, I meant to drive home your point! Sorry that it came across as me attacking what you said, the idea was to underline it.
My kids (who are still losing teeth) only get $1. I all of a sudden feel pretty cheap.
And by her logic, what does it say if most white people are killed by other white people?
Ah yes, JAQ’ing off.
But if you are the first lady of the USA I’m pretty sure it would be considered accessible - you know, vs a $60,000 designer jacket. Or would you prefer your first lady dress from Walmart? Nothing wrong with inexpensive clothing but we are talking degrees here yes?
Her views are wrong and dumb. They’re also widely shared on the right. I’m not surprised that conservatives are mad she got her title stripped. Her tweets are mainstream Republican talking points now.
While the “white-on-white” stat is useful in putting the other factoid in context, there’s also the whole whataboutism aspect of the argument. Those who insist that “Black people should look at the problems within their own community” are arguing
“I’m just asking questions here” always makes me LOL, because clearly they want to present themselves unironically as “the thinking person’s conservative” when the majority of the planet can see unequivocally that there’s no such thing.
Just because Michelle has money and designers doesn’t mean she wasn’t involved in choosing what she wore or who made those pieces, which is where her influence comes in and her taste shows. Melania, I’m sure, has designers and tailors and is still dressed like an embarrassment
Ah, yes. The Devil’s Advocate Douchebag. How I know him well!
I’ll give you two out of four on that, but anyone supported by Bieber and Lovato is suspect (as troubled as she is I admittedly love her though). And never forget that Sia was happy to give Maddie Zeigler access to a much larger international platform than she ever would have had as a Dance Mom kid even though she was…
Damn. I was tooth-losing age in the early 90s and only got a quarter. Why would anyone deserve $20 for successfully wiggling a tooth out of their mouth? (Mostly I’m just jealous because my parents were cheap, though, good for your niblings.)
I got a quarter for each tooth.
My grand daughter (7) is getting $5.00 for her teeth which is making me shake my head. In my day (when dinosaurs ruled the land...) we got 50 cents.
The word to describe it is "profitable"
Beatle mania was real though. If those kids had had tumblr and twitter it really would have broken the internet
Holy crap, if ‘try on a hijab’ counts as Islam run amok then I have some SERIOUS complaints about the “Christians” in this country.