
In case you needed your weekend ruined, Disney has just announced the next decade of Marvel programming at Comic Con 2019.

I guess the bit is how much you hate these movies that are usually a really fun way to spend an afternoon? And like, that’s fine, but I absolutely cannot fathom why you’d write this article in this tone. Is the idea that we’re also supposed to be on board with you going through a list of announcements with a growing

Of course! I meant ideally. Not the way the world is now.

The biggest question is how did she get the job in the first place.

I mean, I could understand the reticence towards trans-inclusive language from a purely pragmatic “numbers” perspective, as anyone who would consider it a positive change was already voting in favor of reproductive rights.

8 months is a LONG time in this political climate. It isn’t like PP kept its agenda under wraps and she was surprised by the need to fight for abortion after she was hired. The 182 page manual that told staff how do deal with Dr. Wen probably didn’t help. Rolling Stone has an account of how things went down

Because she naively thinks that public opinion polls matter to extremists. You think Alabama gave a shit about what a majority of Americans wanted when they enacted that law? Fuck no. They even said they didn't!

Wen is doing what Joe Biden thought he was doing: looking for compromise on a binary issue, which is impossible.

My confusion with Wen’s statement is that while I think I get her main point, that she would like to see Planned Parenthood focus on the healthcare aspects, I legitimately don’t get what she sees that middle ground to be as this is a binary situation. Either Planned Parenthood considers abortion a part of that

Alternative timeline. The books are amazing. 

Yeah-- think Victorian England, but like, with zeppelins and hot air balloons (so steampunk, basically).

The movie did get the casting absolutely spot-on. I think Pullman even said before the movie was made that Kidman and Elliot would be his first choice for their respective characters.

Part of me hopes it’s McKellan again.  

I mean, Nicole Kidman is made of ice. She is such a spot-on Mrs. Coulter. Ruth Wilson is an amazing actress, but Nicole Kidman has been married to Tom Cruise! You don’t walk away from that without leaving a piece of your soul behind, which she wields to tremendous effect. 

I don’t think any remake could match the casting of the the first movie. Hell, even if they made an animated version, you couldn’t do better than the voices of Daniel Craig and Sam Elliot.

I enjoyed it as well, but they had to trim so much to fit it into feature length.

The casting and SFX (minus the polar bears and related landscapes) for that movie was so pitch perfect. It was hampered by watering down the message and it being a movie. The journey from place to place cries out for a series adaptation, and it truly looks like they might be doing it justice this time.

Also, Ian McKellan as Iorek was pretty great.

This looks good and I’m excited to watch it, but I think I’m one of the few people who genuinely loves the 2007 film. Lin-Manuel and Ruth Wilson are great, but Sam Elliot and Nicole Kidman were just perfect as Scoresby and Mrs. Coulter.