I’m sure a certain subset of furries are going to love this. Good for them.
Yeah, pretending that the makeup of this panel is in any way representative is super disingenuous and misleading. Somewhere around 47% of white women voted for Trump, once you exclude the wildly inaccurate exit polling that the 53% number gets drawn from. That’s still bad. But let’s not pretend that these women…
I’m almost willing to bet thay she saw “Gwen St-” and stopped reading, under the assumption that they were referencing Gwen Stefani.
Ugh facts, so early in the morning /s
This nonsense is why the Democrats might lose again. Stop looking for perfection in a candidate. Hillary WAS a viable candidate. She was smart and experienced. I would say I agreed with 75 - 80% of her positions. Same with Obama. Republicans win because of this bull shit and I am tired of it!
You take that back.
Please, direct me to the press statements/articles/signed federal laws that have been instituted since January 2017 to make all that happen.
Money in politics does have an unchecked role, we just don’t have a database to know if celebrities are supporting SuperPACs.
It’s really not.
I need to hear that one of these pampered fuckers has dropped the whole payout of a major film on Warren or something before I’m going to get excited.
It’s really not.
Why are we (CNN) giving these women a forum? And not disclosing how close they already are to Trump’s campaign introduces more bias. This isn’t a cross section of plain old white women. These women may not be representative of what the white women who voted for him are now thinking about his recent tweets. THOSE are…
you are 100%, as usual, correct.
His daughter with Kate Beckinsale is 20, and I keep thinking about how weird it would have been were I in her shoes: for my dad to be having a baby with his gf, who is only five years older than me. I know families come in all shapes and sizes, but it still seems like it would be such a strange situation. It would…
on jez, as in life - if you aren’t outraged, you aren’t doing it right.
I thought that too! Summer of 98 I babysat 3 kids for $4.25/hour TOTAL
Man I was a teenager in the wrong decade. $3 an hour and an opportunity to watch MTV on my neighbor’s cable and getting to see The Young Ones.
Why would you put a flash light in your bag in 2019 when all cell phones have built in app for that?