
Okay, I Googled Peter Fanicelli and yeah, I can see him having the kind of superficial-at-least charm that let somebody pull this off for a while.

I previously worked security and I was taught a simple rule about receiving tips that I’ve used ever since. Refuse twice but accept on the third offer.  The thinking being that we are not supposed to be accepting tips,  but if they are insistent it just ends the situation without offending anyone.  

It’s always the girl who hears the bump in the attic.

Someone somewhere wrote a really interesting piece about how me in horror movies ignoring their female companions is a great reflection of reality. It went into detail about how even IF the women in these movies were mistaken/delusional/whatever it shows the men as a kind of monster who ignores the obvious distress of

Feels a bit like “Harvest Home” which legit creeped me out when I read it as a teenager.

If movies have taught me anything, it’s this:

I clicked on all the BLL articles but am waiting to read them until after episode 7. But tell me this, can Jane’s house really be one bedroom when it looks so big from the outside?

So “babysitting income” is unlikely to rise to the level of actually having to pay taxes on it, at least at the federal level. There is an income threshold before you have to even file for federal income taxes. Generally it’s about 12K (the amount of the standard deduction). I can’t speak to each individual state. Now,

I was going to make the same comment. I am not a Jaclyn fan by any stretch, but these guru scandals always turn into witch burnings and mass delusion. Every yahoo with a youtube channel makes videos on the drama to try to get a slice of the views and Ad$ense dollars. The claims people are making have escalated

I agree with this. Do I think the lipsticks were likely sitting around in a warehouse for years? Oh definitely. Are people overreacting? Massively. No, the product should never have been sold and yes she clearly reacted to the controversy in exactly the wrong way but I think the drama machine is feeding itself. I

Totally. She’s always seemed like a nice person and earnest, just maybe not the brightest. Not stupid or anything, but also she clearly doesn’t have the business minded style that say, JStar or Marlena have (love them or hate them for their unique reasons, but they are savvy business folks). 

Meh, cash is not all it’s cracked up to be, and more efforts could be made in the U.S. to get people into the banking system in ways that won’t be predatory.

It takes a LOT of leather to contain that much pure sexual magnetism, hetero, homo, or otherwise.

I think the fact that Jaclyn seems to have failed launches with any collab she’s done (except the one with a legitimate beauty brand: Becca) tells you all that you need to know about her priorities. Either she’s: the most unlucky person in the industry OR she’s greedy and cutting corners OR she’s a total fucking

If he turns out to be a Muslim we will have achieved a perfect trifecta of hate. It could punch a hole in the Universe, and I’m cool with that.

I’m going to shock you by saying this, but sometimes a song’s lyrics are simply lyrics and don’t mean anything but a check to the person singing them.

Now playing

The dude wears tight leather suits with no shirt or a texas tuxedo with skinny jeans, he’s literally dressed like a member of the village people. He’s obviously bi at minimum. 

I’m always very careful of stereotypes, but considering country doesn’t export for shit, all the market is in the US. And considering how polarizing it is in the US, I’m guessing the stereotype has a bit of value here.

Especially when you see how people tried to have this not classified as country lol. some soft

Straights: Wait he’s gay???

Yeah, not obvious, though gay artists in the past have had songs referencing women I think? Queen’s Fat bottomed girls comes to mind. I assume Elton John must have had a few, though I don’t know his songs that well.