
I can’t wait to hear how Kim and her asshole are the victim in this. Again...

It has been interesting and somewhat telling to me, how many prominent female artists unfollowed Scooter Braun on Instagram after Taylor's Tumblr post dropped. 

I think the first sign for me was when he posted that shirtless gym selfie five years ago and claimed his brother made him do it. lol, no he didn’t.

What annoys me the most about this column - and the works of Stephens and David Brooks in particular - is their insistence on couching their bullshit purely as impartial advice for Democrats. It’s always “the party will lose elections if they don’t say/do this thing that I believe in” instead of “the party should say/

Oh my god, shut the fuck up.

Wait, so are some of you apologists really arguing that he thought of himself particularly attractive as a youth? Werd?

Does he think Africa should be only for Africans? Europeans raped, pillaged and looted from Africa for centuries. It’s not surprising that they would want or have to leave for better opportunities. Now they’re being told to stay out and “go back to Africa.” They can’t win for losing.

I know the commonly held idea of Buddhism is that it’s all super chill and non-violent and rational, with the Dalai Lama as a sort of perfectly loving Jesus/Yoda figure, but in reality, the history of Buddhism includes a lot of violence and discrimination toward women. While the obtuse misogyny of his hot take on a

because he doesn’t travel the world giving standing room only presentations? because ‘free tibet’ hasn’t been around for 30+ years? yep, you’re right. no one cares.

yeah, i mean, he’s only been exposed to english since WWII. and discusses topics such as cosmology and neuroscience in english. but, clearly, he didn’t actually mean attractive.

He speaks fluent English and made an "ugly" face. It's pretty clear what he meant. 

He was talking about the way her face would look. That’s pretty clear.

I must confess I did not expect this from the 83-year-old leader of a patriarchal religious sect.

The Dalai Lama is a pathetic starfucker. 

I don't even know why women keep following religions, there's nothing for us in there.

Who knew that I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell was one of the sutras.

Nobody remind Europe they ran over all of Africa and operated African nations as extension European states for more than a hundred years.

Ikr? Who are these yumans that he speaks of? Lol.

The fact that you are acting like Elizabeth Warren is somehow an establishment candidate shows your true colors. There is nothing wrong with your decision to support Sanders, but when you say that the only reason that people support Warren is because she is a woman, SCREAMS SEXISM. You are too ill informed to realize

This is more for someone you don’t know well or very personally. It’s also not a rule, just a very basic thought process, it’s not going to hold up to every situation or every kind of relationship. Nothing does.