
Oh, no, my shoes are exclusively comfy loafers, slider sneakers, and and birkenstocks at this point. The feet just can’t stand being enclosed.

I also liked when he said the important question is about who would have the guts to take on Wall Street and big corporations. Do you think he knows about Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?


I can forgive him for not seeing Kamala coming, because I sure as hell didn’t.

I have slept on her abilities as a candidate. Tonight, I saw someone who could go toe-to-toe with a grumpy old man and just lay waste to him. Can you even imagine her and Trump in a debate? It’d almost be unfair. Almost.

Oh, and yeah....Sen. Harris was all like...

I’m not sure Biden understands that “let the local government take care of civil rights” almost invariably results in the failure to secure civil rights.

“I was a public defender. I didn’t become a prosecutor,” he said.

he isn’t listening to his debate prep and he’s “set in his ways,”

Joe: “My time’s up”

“States’ rights” - where have I heard that before?

Okay, let’s horse race the debate tonight, purely by performance.

Jim Crow survived for so long because of “local control!” How did he not know or care about that?

“No one really saw Kamala Harris coming. Biden and co must have underestimated her.”

The best part is later when Swallwel said “But you are the government.” That is pretty much a summation of Bernie’s problems.

I always find question dodging frustrating (and that's hardly something unique to Sanders; everyone does it) but that RISE UP, RISE UP rhetoric to every question was so fucking grating I wanted nothing more than for the moderators to cut his mic.

Ms Harris! Making me proud to be in California!

The second half of that interaction, wherein he valiantly tried to equivocate support for a state’s right to choose whether it would or would not create bussing policies with actual support for bussing policies, and then shut down and literally ceded the rest of his time because he couldn’t come up with a good way to

Hard to see how Joe Biden recovers from his opposition to busing being exposed on a national stage. The ridiculous thing is Biden opened this trap door for himself by bringing up his allyship with segregationists. People were ready to forgive that as politics as usual but I don’t think they would be so forgiving on

I didn’t oppose bussing. What I opposed is busing ordered by the Department of Education...because racists everywhere, including my constituents and my bros in the Senate, proactively worked towards segregation so the federal government had to get involved to uphold the law because as we all know racists everywhere