
I follow him on Instagram.  He’s gay and has a boyfriend.  And he’s awesome.

I know someone who has met him and she said he can be snobbish.

Probably horse racing events as well. A lot of the people who go to that seem to be trapped in the past by several hundred years.

I follow him on insta and he seems to have a boyfriend. He’s cute as hell so it’s not too surprising 

He’s like a male lolita, he’s darling and I love him and his commitment to sparkle motion. Like, this kid has skillz too.  I’m impressed by him and I don’t feel the least bit cynical about it.

He probably doesn't have one but if he does I'm sure he doesn't want anyone taking any attention away from his outfits. 

not casually - but there are certainly events where people get together for the weekend, dress like Jane Austen characters, dance and talk like Austen characters etc all over the world.  30 seconds of Google found me events in New Zealand, Canada and Vermont.  

Have you seen “The Dressmaker” with Kate Winslet?  She’s a couture design that goes back to her rural Australian town and dresses the women there.  Set in the 1950s.  There’s some other personal drama I won’t spoil, but there is a great scene where an outsider gets off the train and all these women in this tiny ass

The photo of him in the many-layered cape is just *chef’s kiss*. He really does look like a painting come to life.

God, Lucy Liu is so fucking gorgeous. I’m pretty sure my attraction is 50% her cheekbones and 50% that she always seems to play a badass.

He’s gorgeous. I know someone who has met him and she said he can be snobbish. But I don’t care. He. Is. Beautiful. Hope he handles these 15 mins well. He’s an incredible package.  I just can’t look away.  

And Burn Gorman as a (probably quickly dispatched, unfortunately) bad guy! I just love him.

No.  I don’t have time for that.

But, Patrick Stewart!  It’s worth it, just for him.  The trailer wasn’t that bad.  Some humor and ass kicking - that is always fun.

Charlie’s Angels has always been about women, though, so hopefully it will avoid some of the crap that the gender-swapped remakes were dealing with.

I loved the Drew Barrymore/Nancy Juvonen Charlie’s Angels series (still toting around the DVDs). But I can handle a remake for this type of series! I did not know this was coming though, somehow I missed it, and I went from “ew, remake, what?” to “YES, I’M IN” watching the trailer. Plus, Elizabeth Banks has pretty

It too was Alabama. A pregnant woman’s mom was worried she was going to miscarry because she was so stressed. So she took half a valium that was prescribed to her boyfriend. Weeks later, during delivery, The Hospital did a drug test (the baby was healthy so a tox screen was not medically needed and she was probably

it’s not a terrible leap from this, to banning women from driving.

I realize I’m spamming here, but this is how it starts. A poor woman of colour outside a dollar store. Some day they will come for the lower middle class single white woman who miscarried because she couldn’t afford to work only one job while hella pregnant.

I had some idea that something like this would inevitably happen after that draconian law was passed, but I’m still horrified to have that suspicion confirmed. Fuck you, Alabama.