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    Well actually, I saw an episode of this on the "Law and Order SVU" the other day, where an alcoholic woman was pregnant and Benson managed to defend her and negotiate with the judge to drop charges so long as she signed up with AA and agreed to a court order to not drink....then literally the next night, Benson visits

    I like the design of the robot, it has a nice balance between emotive but not quite human so no uncanny valley. Do others think it was too cute?

    Is drinking alcohol *THAT* important to some women (a small handful I hope) that they physically can't go without alcohol AT ALL for a nine month time period? Why risk it? Why risk it?

    There comes a point where you can't keep forgiving them based on how good they used to be.

    The Final Five thing was pure nonsense. It might, might have worked if they were new characters.

    Indeed. This all could have been salvaged but after New Caprica arc ended, the strain of the oncoming Writers' Strike REALLY began to show. That and *half of the core writing staff left* including *all of the female writers*.

    Part of a fatsuit is actually adding in latex fat props glued to your cheeks so you look actually fatter (when you're really fat you gain weight everywhere) — check out the behind the scenes videos.

    Unfinished Business was welcome, but a letdown; it should have been a two parter, they even had to release an over-sized DVD version later (which still didn't quite make up for things).


    So crazy...it just might work.

    that's what makes it worse, in my mind: a dumb idea for a cliffhanger isn't as bad as a GREAT idea for a cliffhanger that is very poorly followed up on; it didn't live up to what it could have been.

    Given that the Professor killed Hitler in the second universe, its probable that it changed history to such an extent that they were never born and alive by the year 3000.

    Now playing

    "But now, as the game makes its way through the 40th century A.D., the world has regressed into what the user has described as a "hellish nightmare of suffering and devastation."

    Oh I meant just this summer, not the hiatus shows. Best one is Game of Thrones.

    Actually I am a fan, I was just being sarcastic and the hated Lizards expense; how we eventually beat them because they don't adapt well. Its actually an interesting examination of the different rates of tech advancement different species may have.

    The concept itself was good...but they were AWFUL at following through on that promise. I do believe you can do a time jump then retroactively show things that happened.

    Ultimately the BSG season 2 finale was not followed up on well; yes, the New Caprica arc was exciting to watch at the time...

    A species dumb enough that if you kill their commanding officer, they stand around blinking and showing utter lack of combat initiative? A species that doesn't *conceptually understand* that new weapons like advancing from a Panzer III to a Panzer IV can be done in the space of a single year in wartime? A species

    He didn't just "survive" the explosion, cold. If you look closely, you can see him jumping off the bridge on purpose right before it explodes, thus missing the explosion. He knew the bridge was going to be blown up, the aliens didn't. And he wasn't right in the middle of the river, he jumped right off shore because

    This is the best show on TV at the moment (non-animated).