
Cool. I'm hungry, can they print me a steak & baked potato while they're at it?

I'm pretty sure I saw Data and Geordi in the process of beaming out behind her.....If you look closely, squint a bit, maybe drop some acid, you'll see it too....

Now there are two ways to pay to get crabs..... lol

@8x10: I can see coolant moving through coils in a cooling system, but 'prepackaged system' implies some sort of static passive method of cooling...

Edited to remove 'Soviet Russia' meme... and associated ban hammer.....

I think I know what this means, but man, something is missing:

Just be the ball, be the ball, be the ball. You're not being the ball Earl.

Isn't that Sarah Palin? Looks crazy enough.....

@ka1axy: You're right - it looks *exactly* like the carrying case to my mother's old typewriter...

If you're ever in Detroit, check out the Dymaxion House at the Henry Ford Museum........

Imagine if people donated that time to something like curing cancer or fixing environmental problems.... It's amazing that we are as productive as we are with all of this time wasting. (and I am guilty too - not with farmville, but I have been know to spend hours conquering the world in Civ...)

@CommodoreRake: Your serious, 'Ozymandius' instead of 'Ozymandias'.. it 'bothered you'? Time to take your meds, man...

@Euclidean: What? Like he has his hands up his ass or something? Na, no way.

I had no idea there was such a demand for bananas in Japan. Where is the machine that sells perfectly ROUND bananas, with their own portable cooler, plus a 10 gram bar of gold?

Where is Ozymandius? I suspect he is behind this......

@CodeJanitor: Ah crap, your right. they're talking about the Netflix plan. I qualify for the diskless version! Yahoo!

@Timmy: Ok, I misread it then. Its Monday morning.... yawn....

@Michael: Back in my day we walked up hill, both ways, through 6 feet of snow for our movie rentals - and we liked it!

@desi214: No, I have netflix. But from what the article reads I need to pay Nintendo $8.99 a month for their service to download and use the 'disk-less' version of Netflix. I'll stick with the disk for now.. I don't need to download any other content they have, the Wii is primarily for my kids and they already have a

You still need to have a plan, which I don't plan on purchasing just to watch netflix.......