
Its made out of people! The reef is people!!!!

If only they were are lawyers, real lawyers... preferably divorce lawyers...

For some reason, when I only caught the top of the egg picture it reminded me of Jean-Luc Picard......

@Kai Chen: Ah, ok. I wasn't sure what the average Chilean miner would make. Even in this country miners aren't exactly wealthy..

Hmm. Chilean miners get iPods. I wonder how many of them actually have home computers to sync them with? Or is my assumption off base?

The people at Tokyoflash should take a look at this thing...

If it displays this, I am in.

A women with as Porshe is working and supporting this dipshit so he can play video games all day? Man, she is crazy.....

@CaptainJack: ah, well. hopefully the stomping by his 'buddies' will take care of it then!

@Kobbra: At least he's frying his nuts so he can't have offspring - for this we can be thankful.

Sounds like an amazing experience. Who wouldn't want to to travel the world for 5 years like that?

@jetRink: Ok. White flag. You're right, the kindle is the greatest non-apple invention ever made. Better than the wheel, sliced bread and bacon... well, maybe not bacon ;)

@david4: Fair enough. You've given excellent reasons why you like the kindle. I certainly won't dispute them. I wasn't aware you could share that easily. It sounds like the kindle suits your needs and a lot of other people for the reasons you mentioned. That's all I was looking for. For me, a paperback suits my needs

@McMike: I am hoping he had a lot of free time on his hands after his little trip.

@Konjibhu: "half-naked, vomiting into a change jar at P.F. Chang's" there must be a story behind that. time to check google for the permanently logged photos so I can have a few more laughs....

@jetRink: I just wonder what people see in it, that's all. It must have value for a lot of people, I'm just wondering what it is that clicks with everyone. And, no it's not because I don't have imagination, it's because my value for a device just happens to be different.

I am still trying to understand the rational for the kindle. We have laptops and iPads if we prefer to read digital content. If you want a specialized device for reading there's this thing call a paperback.. doesn't need batteries, doesn't break when you drop it, and you can share it with a friend without giving away