
@grimjack28: +1 for the Archie Bunker reference.... ah the memories. now if only you had referenced meathead in there as well.....

Sounds like he works odd jobs -As long as he isn't looking for handouts while typing on an Ipad (as the illustration implies), then nobody should have a problem with his lifestyle.

It can always be diluted by public use and overturned by the trademark office. I think both Kleenex and 'Xeroxing' have run into trouble over the years iirc.....

Lego Nirvana has been achieved.

Hmm, $100k cnc machining or $500 worth of pegboard from Home Depot?

Does it come with any boxes of this?

of course, this assumes you have a year's supply of uncontaminated water at your disposal during the apocalypse, or perhaps they expect your tap will continue to run after the end comes?

Everybody's smiling in the pictures until a 3 ton piece of moon metal flattens *their* hut...

If only this had popped out....

This is America. I am still waiting for the machine that dispenses assault rifles..... 'Damn, they're all out of AK-47s, guess I'll go with the AR-15'..

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Yeah, basically, they become a shell of their former selves, sell off some assests, only to die at a later date anyway...

AOL still exists?? Why don't they just go Blockbuster already.....

@anotherdude: As long as the virus isn't called 'skynet' we're safe.....

It's about time. The Russians and Chinese are way ahead. Hell, they probably have viruses in Ahmadinejad's electric razor and toaster already......

Still have my Palm Pre from when they were first available on Sprint. I have to say, in spite of the marketing blunders killing it pre-maturely, I like the phone quite a bit and have no problem waiting for the next gen to arrive!

@kosai: that explains the strange yellow tint that zuckerburg has had on all the talk shows lately.... I just thought it was my monitor...