
How about getting all those beer swilling aussies to stop drinking their favorite beverage? That would cut down the methane more than axing a few camels!

WTF.... I don't get it. What was the point of beating the crap out a guy standing near by on his cell phone?

Isn't there a building in New York that NASA can use to track dead pulsars in deep space?

Someone screws up, and walks out the door with $35 million? Name any other job other than CEO where you can pull that off. If I was an investor in HP I would be pissed too!

Two words: Death Blossom!

Mental Note: Take crap before entering Soyuz capsule....

And behind door #2 is.... Waldo!

They will defeat their imperialist foes with their stronger HTML coding!

um, what's up with the disco balls?

Depends on how you're holding it!

But..... God hates Mars.

If NASA can't do it, why not Google?

@ThaMofo: C'mon, every engine needs a friggin brillo pad!

God hates Thermo Pulse Engines.

@dapper_otter: OMG. pot scourer - it's a flipp'n brillo pad... now I get it.

what the hell is that stuff in the tube? Not familiar with 'pot scourer'.

Fuck the shirt, where can I buy the moustache?

I suspect a new meme coming - "God hates [insert item of your choice here]"

Great. Vampire kittens. Why not just use Twilight characters, or giant mosquitoes for that matter.....

@jaycustom79: Even better if the iPad was '3d' enabled!