
Who would ever give a tow company a good review?

The big difference I’m seeing... One will have a Hideo Kojima Game on the front, one will not.

Despite that, both games look fantastic.

“Containing an estimated $1000 worth of hardware and games”

Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).

Indeed, people love to hate me

Sure they did. They got an education in not believing the promises of evangelists and that, sir, is priceless.

One of the currently most unnoticed failures is the fact there was a 'Student' backing bonus on Kickstarter that was meant to provide a forum for UK student backers to get help for things like getting a job in the industry and none of this has materialised meaning they got practically nothing for their backing apart

I spent a few hours grinding out on naturalize druid (druid of the draw) SO MUCH FUN. And by a few hours I mean I finished like 4 games

I'll buy one for myself, and one for my wife.

We cannot stop the flood of, "But it was just there for the taking," thinking that encourages this sort of cowardly horseshit, but god damn it, we can do our part.

If everyone else did the same—well, I'm hardly one to go against the, "don't judge me," attitude the current

...but, but it's just a copy!

Right, bro. In an environment where goods are mostly sold as "copies," your "it's not really theft," argument no longer works.

Fuck pirates.

Off to buy The Talos Principle just to support this kind of awesome response to shitty, entitled little assholes right now.

"Yes mom, we got sponsored, that means we're big-time now."

My God, it's full of Stars....

That's kinda the charm for me — either you explode or look like a badass. Win-win, really.

Duck Dynasty for only $24.99? What a steal! I'll be there at midnight!!

The only models I was taken aback by were the human females, they really botched those faces.

What, a girlfriend?

Well at least he fell on his sword and you got to respect him for that. You don't see that sort of thing happen much anymore.

Hmmm, the Destiny weapons loadout screen seems different somehow?

Back up to the internet (recommended) with a program like Crashplan or Backblaze. This is preferred. It's very easy to set up, and ensures that your data is kept safe even if your house catches fire or gets burgled.

Sorry, Drew, but I don't care how well you did. I'm not going to trust someone who got handwriting lessons from Christy Brown.